Why is an expansion of the off-leash area being proposed?
Emery Barnes is a well-loved park that balances a variety of spaces including the off-leash area (OLA). In all of Vancouver, Emery Barnes Park serves the second highest number of licensed dogs living within 1 km of an OLA.
In our first round of engagement, we identified an opportunity to expand the OLA to help accommodate the high number of dogs in the neighbourhood, while maintaining the existing activity spaces in the park. The area identified for the proposed expansion was a small lawn area southwest of the existing OLA.
In our survey, we heard that 80% of respondents agreed that expanding the OLA would be beneficial. We also heard that 67% of respondents would value a *self-managed, separate space for small/shy dogs.
By expanding the OLA to include a small/shy dog area, we would be able to accommodate a growing number of dogs while also maintaining the existing park uses and circulation.
*At a self-managed small/shy OLA, dog owners determine whether their dog is the right size and/or has the right temperament to use the space. Communication between owners is encouraged.
Consultation has concluded