Hastings-Sunrise (Clinton Park area) traffic calming

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person on bicycle at a traffic calming diverter on Nanaimo and Adanac St.

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Over the years, community members have shared concerns about vehicle speeds and volumes in the Hastings-Sunrise (Clinton Park area) neighbourhood. The project area is between by E Hastings St, Renfrew St, E 1st Ave and Nanaimo St.

We want to address these traffic issues on local streets in the community through the Neighbourhood Traffic Management Program. We aim to engage the community to help assess, design and implement quick-build traffic calming measures.

Traffic calming refers to physical changes on a street to slow traffic down, reduce short-cutting and improve safety for all road users.

Learn more about our proposed traffic calming measures by reading our information boards (PDF, 7.3 MB)

Next steps:

Thank you to everyone who participated in our engagement. Staff will analyze the feedback and share findings of this engagement with the community in spring 2024. Traffic calming measures will begin implementation in fall 2024.

繁體中文 | 简体中文 | Tiếng Việt

Over the years, community members have shared concerns about vehicle speeds and volumes in the Hastings-Sunrise (Clinton Park area) neighbourhood. The project area is between by E Hastings St, Renfrew St, E 1st Ave and Nanaimo St.

We want to address these traffic issues on local streets in the community through the Neighbourhood Traffic Management Program. We aim to engage the community to help assess, design and implement quick-build traffic calming measures.

Traffic calming refers to physical changes on a street to slow traffic down, reduce short-cutting and improve safety for all road users.

Learn more about our proposed traffic calming measures by reading our information boards (PDF, 7.3 MB)

Next steps:

Thank you to everyone who participated in our engagement. Staff will analyze the feedback and share findings of this engagement with the community in spring 2024. Traffic calming measures will begin implementation in fall 2024.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This survey will be open until Sunday, Dec. 17 and should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.


    Paper copies are available upon request by emailing clinton-park-area-tc@vancouver.ca or calling 311 and can be submitted by mail to the below address (postage included):


    Community Transportation Branch

    City of Vancouver, Engineering Services

    320-507 West Broadway

    Vancouver, British Columbia V5Z 0B4 Canada

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Page last updated: 03 Jun 2024, 01:24 PM