Why are you creating a new park at Burrard Slopes?

    The project currently known as Burrard Slopes Park will provide much-needed additional green space for two rapidly growing neighbourhoods.   

    The park provision analysis undertaken for VanPlay found that Fairview has one of the city’s lowest scores, with under 0.6 ha of park space for every 1000 residents. Kitsilano also has a low score at 0.6-0.9 ha. 

    Both Fairview and Kitsilano have a high population density compared to the rest of the city, as well as a larger percentage living in high-density housing, making access to public greenspace critical. With the implementation of the Broadway Plan over the coming decades, the area will further increase in resident, worker, and visitor numbers.  

    The new park at Burrard Slopes will: 

    • Serve as a place for the community to gather, play, experience culture, and seek respite in the bustling neighborhood 
    • Enhance the livability of the area and improve access to nature 
    • Help us achieve VanPlay’s 10 Goals to Shape the Next 25 Years including Goal 1: Grow and renew assets

    How does the Broadway Plan relate to Burrard Slopes Park?

    The Broadway Plan, approved by City Council in 2022, focuses on opportunities to integrate new housing, jobs, and amenities (including parks, arts and culture, community gardens) around the new Broadway Subway, from Vine Street to Clark Drive and 1st Avenue to 16th Avenue. 

    Burrard Slopes Park falls within the Broadway Plan study area. While the Broadway Plan is a 30-year plan that covers housing, jobs, and amenities around the Broadway Subway, Burrard Slopes Park is one specific project happening within that area. The Broadway Plan, along with other policies and feedback gathered through the Burrard Slopes Park planning process, will guide design decisions for the park. 

    To learn more about the Broadway Plan Public Realm and Streetscape work visit shapeyourcity.ca/broadway-public-realm (webpage launching September 28, 2023)

    For further information on the Broadway Plan and various implementation projects visit vancouver.ca/broadwayplan

    What will happen to Pine Street Community Garden?

    In 2021, the Park Board approved the updated Local Food System Action Plan, a 5-year plan to implement a more sustainable, just and decolonized local food system across Vancouver. Guided by the recommendations in the plan, we will work closely with the Pine Street Community Garden and other neighbourhood groups on the relocation and redesign of the existing community garden. We recognize the vital contribution members have made to the ecological life of the area and look forward to cultivating this important community space.

    Will there be a dog off-leash area at Burrard Slopes Park?

    A small area for off-leash dogs is one of the amenities we are considering for Burrard Slopes Park, with guidance from the 2017 People, Parks and Dogs Strategy (PDF, 6.0 MB). This strategy identifies underserved and densely populated areas where more dog amenities are needed. With the addition of a new off-leash area (OLA) at Granville Park, Burrard Slopes Park will no longer be in an underserved region, however, the area’s high – and increasing – population density may mean there is demand for an OLA at Burrard Slopes. The inclusion of an OLA will depend on what we hear during engagement, as well as on other competing needs and priorities for the park.