975 W 57th Ave rezoning application

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The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone the subject site from R1-1 (Residential Inclusive) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. The proposal is to allow for the development of the former Salvation Army Homestead and includes:

  • A 19-storey strata residential building with 143 units;
  • A 6-storey mixed-used building with 47 rental residential units and 37-space childcare;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 3.04;
  • A building height of 64.4 m (211 ft.); and
  • 198 vehicle parking spaces and 374 bicycle spaces.

This application is being considered under the Cambie Corridor Plan.

This proposal previously went through the enhanced rezoning process as a unique site under the Cambie Corridor Plan. Link: https://www.shapeyourcity.ca/975-w-57th-ave

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

Referred to Public Hearing

On July 9, 2024, City Council referred this application to a Public Hearing.

Give feedback to City Council:

Send your comments online

or via mail to:

City of Vancouver, City Clerk’s Office

453 West 12th Avenue, Third Floor

Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1V4

Or request to speak, starting approximately one week before the meeting.

Your comments and name will be published in the meeting record.

The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone the subject site from R1-1 (Residential Inclusive) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. The proposal is to allow for the development of the former Salvation Army Homestead and includes:

  • A 19-storey strata residential building with 143 units;
  • A 6-storey mixed-used building with 47 rental residential units and 37-space childcare;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 3.04;
  • A building height of 64.4 m (211 ft.); and
  • 198 vehicle parking spaces and 374 bicycle spaces.

This application is being considered under the Cambie Corridor Plan.

This proposal previously went through the enhanced rezoning process as a unique site under the Cambie Corridor Plan. Link: https://www.shapeyourcity.ca/975-w-57th-ave

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

Referred to Public Hearing

On July 9, 2024, City Council referred this application to a Public Hearing.

Give feedback to City Council:

Send your comments online

or via mail to:

City of Vancouver, City Clerk’s Office

453 West 12th Avenue, Third Floor

Vancouver, BC, V5Y 1V4

Or request to speak, starting approximately one week before the meeting.

Your comments and name will be published in the meeting record.

​The Q&A period has concluded. Thank you for participating.

The opportunity to ask questions through the Q&A is available from February 7 to February 20, 2024. 

We post all questions as-is and aim to respond within two business days. Some questions may require coordination with internal departments and additional time may be needed to post a response.

Please note that the comment form will remain open after the Q&A period. The Rezoning Planner can also be contacted directly for any further feedback or questions.

  • Share Oak Street and 57th Avenue are both subject to traffic volume during peak hours, providing connections to nearby schools, parks, the airport, and southerly-lying municipalities. An influx of vehicular and pedestrian traffic will exacerbate current concerns around traffic safety in the area. What steps is the City taking to ensure the developer’s proposal will meet future demand for personal mobility while addressing traffic-related concerns? Will there be a plan in place by either parties to encourage the usage of public transportation and active mobility by establishing the sense of safety and convenience sought out by users in the community (such as school students)? on Facebook Share Oak Street and 57th Avenue are both subject to traffic volume during peak hours, providing connections to nearby schools, parks, the airport, and southerly-lying municipalities. An influx of vehicular and pedestrian traffic will exacerbate current concerns around traffic safety in the area. What steps is the City taking to ensure the developer’s proposal will meet future demand for personal mobility while addressing traffic-related concerns? Will there be a plan in place by either parties to encourage the usage of public transportation and active mobility by establishing the sense of safety and convenience sought out by users in the community (such as school students)? on Twitter Share Oak Street and 57th Avenue are both subject to traffic volume during peak hours, providing connections to nearby schools, parks, the airport, and southerly-lying municipalities. An influx of vehicular and pedestrian traffic will exacerbate current concerns around traffic safety in the area. What steps is the City taking to ensure the developer’s proposal will meet future demand for personal mobility while addressing traffic-related concerns? Will there be a plan in place by either parties to encourage the usage of public transportation and active mobility by establishing the sense of safety and convenience sought out by users in the community (such as school students)? on Linkedin Email Oak Street and 57th Avenue are both subject to traffic volume during peak hours, providing connections to nearby schools, parks, the airport, and southerly-lying municipalities. An influx of vehicular and pedestrian traffic will exacerbate current concerns around traffic safety in the area. What steps is the City taking to ensure the developer’s proposal will meet future demand for personal mobility while addressing traffic-related concerns? Will there be a plan in place by either parties to encourage the usage of public transportation and active mobility by establishing the sense of safety and convenience sought out by users in the community (such as school students)? link

    Oak Street and 57th Avenue are both subject to traffic volume during peak hours, providing connections to nearby schools, parks, the airport, and southerly-lying municipalities. An influx of vehicular and pedestrian traffic will exacerbate current concerns around traffic safety in the area. What steps is the City taking to ensure the developer’s proposal will meet future demand for personal mobility while addressing traffic-related concerns? Will there be a plan in place by either parties to encourage the usage of public transportation and active mobility by establishing the sense of safety and convenience sought out by users in the community (such as school students)?

    JonathanTang asked 6 months ago

    Thank you for your question. In relation to your comments about traffic and safety, the applicant submitted a Transportation Assessment and Management Study for review by the City’s Engineering department as part of the rezoning application. The proposed development is in compliance with the Parking By-law with respect to off-street vehicle parking spaces and is well-sited to encourage reduced vehicle trips and parking demand. It is in close proximity to the frequent transit network (Oak St) and cycling infrastructure (W 59th Ave). The applicant has the option of submitting a Transportation Demand Management Plan which helps to further reduce development demand for vehicle trips and parking, and encourage sustainable transportation choices. Access to the site from Oak Street to a new east-west road on the northern edge of the site is to be provided and will eventually connect to Laurel Street to help further alleviate vehicle access to the site.

     Staff will be reviewing the application details including the Transportation Assessment and Management Study provided by the applicant to determine development conditions for off-site infrastructure that may be required. Off-site infrastructure conditions may include improved public realm, new sidewalks, and intersection and signal upgrades, to improve transportation operations and safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists alike near the site.

  • Share How would it affect the nearby institutions, such as nursing home, schools and community centre? The majority population there are relatively vulnerable people like elders and children. on Facebook Share How would it affect the nearby institutions, such as nursing home, schools and community centre? The majority population there are relatively vulnerable people like elders and children. on Twitter Share How would it affect the nearby institutions, such as nursing home, schools and community centre? The majority population there are relatively vulnerable people like elders and children. on Linkedin Email How would it affect the nearby institutions, such as nursing home, schools and community centre? The majority population there are relatively vulnerable people like elders and children. link

    How would it affect the nearby institutions, such as nursing home, schools and community centre? The majority population there are relatively vulnerable people like elders and children.

    HK asked 6 months ago

    Thank you for your question. Shadow analysis, building transitions to neighbouring buildings and traffic impacts are all reviewed through the rezoning process. In this case, the applicant worked with the school board to mitigate shadow impacts on the school playing field during times that the field was most in use by the school. The site plan has been designed to have larger towers internal to the site, with shorter buildings transitioning to the neighbouring developments. In regards to traffic and safety, the applicant submitted a Transportation Assessment and Management Study for review by the City’s Engineering department as part of the rezoning application. Access to the site from Oak Street to a new east-west road on the northern edge of the site is to be provided and will eventually connect to Laurel Street to help alleviate vehicle access to the site. Off-site infrastructure conditions may also be applied to the rezoning that include improved public realm, new sidewalks, and intersection and signal upgrades, to improve transportation operations and safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists alike near the site. Lastly, the inclusion of a childcare in this proposal will provide opportunities for families in this area. Other impacts will be reviewed through the process and included as part of the report back to Council.

  • Share Where is the grocery store and neighborhood retai? on Facebook Share Where is the grocery store and neighborhood retai? on Twitter Share Where is the grocery store and neighborhood retai? on Linkedin Email Where is the grocery store and neighborhood retai? link

    Where is the grocery store and neighborhood retai?

    JDM asked 7 months ago

    Thank you for your question. The Cambie Corridor Plan does not require retail on this site and prioritizes retail and other commercial uses within identified neighbourhood centres, existing commercial areas, or areas adjacent to a station. Specifically, mixed-use buildings are anticipated at Oak Street and 49th Avenue. The priority for this site is for new housing options and amenities for families. 

Page last updated: 09 Jul 2024, 11:41 AM