904-920 Davie St rezoning application

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The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone the subject site from DD (Downtown) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 29-storey mixed-use building and includes:

  • 179 strata residential units;
  • 3,410 sq. m (36,708 sq. ft.) of office use;
  • Commercial space on the ground floor;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 12.91; and
  • A building height of 106.1 m (348 ft.).

This application is being considered under the Downtown Official Development Plan and the Potential "Benefit Capacity” in Downtown Policy.

Updated Materials (Jun 27, 2024)

Updated shadow studies were submitted following staff review. The updates were made to correct shadow studies to account for daylight savings time. The updates do not include changes to the proposed building itself.

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone the subject site from DD (Downtown) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 29-storey mixed-use building and includes:

  • 179 strata residential units;
  • 3,410 sq. m (36,708 sq. ft.) of office use;
  • Commercial space on the ground floor;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 12.91; and
  • A building height of 106.1 m (348 ft.).

This application is being considered under the Downtown Official Development Plan and the Potential "Benefit Capacity” in Downtown Policy.

Updated Materials (Jun 27, 2024)

Updated shadow studies were submitted following staff review. The updates were made to correct shadow studies to account for daylight savings time. The updates do not include changes to the proposed building itself.

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

​The Q&A period has concluded. Thank you for participating.

The opportunity to ask questions through the Q&A is available from February 21 to March 5, 2024. 

We post all questions as-is and aim to respond within two business days. Some questions may require coordination with internal departments and additional time may be needed to post a response.

Please note that the comment form will remain open after the Q&A period. The Rezoning Planner can also be contacted directly for any further feedback or questions.

  • Share How many years from start to end of the construction? In that specific area it seems to be very disruptive for people walking on that side of the street. How is it going to be managed? on Facebook Share How many years from start to end of the construction? In that specific area it seems to be very disruptive for people walking on that side of the street. How is it going to be managed? on Twitter Share How many years from start to end of the construction? In that specific area it seems to be very disruptive for people walking on that side of the street. How is it going to be managed? on Linkedin Email How many years from start to end of the construction? In that specific area it seems to be very disruptive for people walking on that side of the street. How is it going to be managed? link

    How many years from start to end of the construction? In that specific area it seems to be very disruptive for people walking on that side of the street. How is it going to be managed?

    Arthur Sacramento asked 5 months ago

    At this time, the applicant is anticipating construction to start in approximately Q2 2026 and completing in Q4 2029. They expect construction to take approximately 42 months to complete. Regarding construction impacts, the developer is required to meet with and coordinate construction and street use with Engineering prior to construction. Appropriate permits are required to secure street space and any closures must be permitted in advance with proper traffic management plans approved.

  • Share There is no mention of the parking and vlsitors parking spaces for the buildilng. Also ther is no mention of any thoughts provided on how the trades, the delilvery trucks, the food delivery access and move-in move out access will be provided. Can you please elaborate on the number of parking spaces for the 179 strata units. The downtown needs these places to carry their far share of the parking responsiblities. on Facebook Share There is no mention of the parking and vlsitors parking spaces for the buildilng. Also ther is no mention of any thoughts provided on how the trades, the delilvery trucks, the food delivery access and move-in move out access will be provided. Can you please elaborate on the number of parking spaces for the 179 strata units. The downtown needs these places to carry their far share of the parking responsiblities. on Twitter Share There is no mention of the parking and vlsitors parking spaces for the buildilng. Also ther is no mention of any thoughts provided on how the trades, the delilvery trucks, the food delivery access and move-in move out access will be provided. Can you please elaborate on the number of parking spaces for the 179 strata units. The downtown needs these places to carry their far share of the parking responsiblities. on Linkedin Email There is no mention of the parking and vlsitors parking spaces for the buildilng. Also ther is no mention of any thoughts provided on how the trades, the delilvery trucks, the food delivery access and move-in move out access will be provided. Can you please elaborate on the number of parking spaces for the 179 strata units. The downtown needs these places to carry their far share of the parking responsiblities. link

    There is no mention of the parking and vlsitors parking spaces for the buildilng. Also ther is no mention of any thoughts provided on how the trades, the delilvery trucks, the food delivery access and move-in move out access will be provided. Can you please elaborate on the number of parking spaces for the 179 strata units. The downtown needs these places to carry their far share of the parking responsiblities.

    Bob Cameron asked 5 months ago

    Thank you for your question. Please see page 53-39 of the application booklet for detailed statistics on the proposed number of parking spaces. The application proposes a total of 219 vehicle parking spaces: 176 residential spaces, 9 residential visitor spaces, 30 spaces for the office use and 4 spaces for the retail use. 

    In terms of loading spaces (used for delivery and move in/move out), a total of 5 are proposed: 3 Class A loading spaces and 2 Class B loading spaces. Class A loading spaces must be at least 5.5 m long, 2.7 m wide and 2.3 m high, whereas Class B loading spaces must be 10.2 m long, 3.4 m wide and 3.8 m high. They are also proposing one passenger loading space (for pick up and drop off of passengers).

    Please note that the file is still under review by City staff. The parking scheme will be further refined at the more detailed stage of approvals; the development permit stage.

Page last updated: 27 Jun 2024, 10:50 AM