8233 Oak St (formerly 8029-8225 Oak St and 1012 W 64th Ave) (DP-2023-00474) development application

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The Director of Planning approved the application on November 14, 2023, subject to conditions.  A Development Permit may be issued once all conditions have been satisfied. For more information, please see the Prior-to letter under "Application documents"

Arno Matis Architecture has applied to the City of Vancouver to develop two residential buildings and two mixed-use buildings with retail on main levels and office and residential above, ranging from six to eight storeys. The proposal includes the following:

  • 246 strata residential units
  • Three levels of underground parking, with vehicular access from the rear lane

This proposal is subject to Council enactment of the CD-1 rezoning, approval of the Form of Development and decision by the Director of Planning.

Arno Matis Architecture has applied to the City of Vancouver to develop two residential buildings and two mixed-use buildings with retail on main levels and office and residential above, ranging from six to eight storeys. The proposal includes the following:

  • 246 strata residential units
  • Three levels of underground parking, with vehicular access from the rear lane

This proposal is subject to Council enactment of the CD-1 rezoning, approval of the Form of Development and decision by the Director of Planning.