6081-6083 Collingwood Pl rezoning application

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This application was approved with amendments and two yellow memos by Council on October 19, 2023, following the Public Hearing on October 17, 2023.

We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 6081-6083 Collingwood Place. The zoning would change from RS-5 (Residential Inclusive) District to RR-2B (Residential Rental) District.

The RR-2B District allows for:

  • A 5-storey apartment building where all units are secured as market rental; and
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) up to 2.20.

The application is being considered under the Secured Rental Policy (Section 2.4 Rezonings in Low-Density Transition Areas).

If approved, this site's zoning will change to RR-2B. Any development on the site would have to conform to these zoning regulations and design guidelines. This approach differs from a site-specific Comprehensive Development (CD) District rezoning. It allows for a simplified rezoning process and provides greater clarity and consistency on the types of new secured rental buildings that may be built in eligible low-density areas.

The specific form of development (building design) will be reviewed through a future Development Permit process. Application drawings will be available for viewing and comment at that time.

Rezoning Policy Background

On December 14, 2021, Council approved amendments to the Secured Rental Policy (SRP) to allow simplified rezonings in low-density areas near shopping, public transportation and other amenities. This policy is intended to help:

  • Increase housing choice for renter households
  • Streamline processes and clarifying policy requirements
  • Diversify rental housing options
  • Respond to the City’s Climate Emergency
  • Help enhance local shopping areas
  • Improving livability of rental housing

Learn more about:

We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 6081-6083 Collingwood Place. The zoning would change from RS-5 (Residential Inclusive) District to RR-2B (Residential Rental) District.

The RR-2B District allows for:

  • A 5-storey apartment building where all units are secured as market rental; and
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) up to 2.20.

The application is being considered under the Secured Rental Policy (Section 2.4 Rezonings in Low-Density Transition Areas).

If approved, this site's zoning will change to RR-2B. Any development on the site would have to conform to these zoning regulations and design guidelines. This approach differs from a site-specific Comprehensive Development (CD) District rezoning. It allows for a simplified rezoning process and provides greater clarity and consistency on the types of new secured rental buildings that may be built in eligible low-density areas.

The specific form of development (building design) will be reviewed through a future Development Permit process. Application drawings will be available for viewing and comment at that time.

Rezoning Policy Background

On December 14, 2021, Council approved amendments to the Secured Rental Policy (SRP) to allow simplified rezonings in low-density areas near shopping, public transportation and other amenities. This policy is intended to help:

  • Increase housing choice for renter households
  • Streamline processes and clarifying policy requirements
  • Diversify rental housing options
  • Respond to the City’s Climate Emergency
  • Help enhance local shopping areas
  • Improving livability of rental housing

Learn more about:

This application was approved with amendments and two yellow memos by Council on October 19, 2023, following the Public Hearing on October 17, 2023.

The opportunity to ask questions through the Q&A is available from January 30, 2023 to February 19, 2023. 

We post all questions as-is and aim to respond within two business days. Some questions may require coordination with internal departments and additional time may be needed to post a response.

Please note that the comment form will remain open after the virtual open house time period. The Rezoning Planner can also be contacted directly for any further feedback or questions.

  • Share There has been information circulated that the property in question is a double loaded frontage lot. The term double loaded does not appear in any document. Why is this assumption being made? In addition, the zoning map that has been made public is a very small map that does not expand. Generic assumptions have been applied to a unique set of properties on a cul-de-sac . The public has not been privy to the detailed map and the map in question contradicts in every way the descriptions found in the SRP. For example, there is no lane. To assume a Collingwood Place addressed property somehow has frontage on an arterial is not a rational assumption. Would it be possible to meet in person to discuss this and other applications in person? When will a live public open house occur as historically has been undertaken with rezonings? Thank you on Facebook Share There has been information circulated that the property in question is a double loaded frontage lot. The term double loaded does not appear in any document. Why is this assumption being made? In addition, the zoning map that has been made public is a very small map that does not expand. Generic assumptions have been applied to a unique set of properties on a cul-de-sac . The public has not been privy to the detailed map and the map in question contradicts in every way the descriptions found in the SRP. For example, there is no lane. To assume a Collingwood Place addressed property somehow has frontage on an arterial is not a rational assumption. Would it be possible to meet in person to discuss this and other applications in person? When will a live public open house occur as historically has been undertaken with rezonings? Thank you on Twitter Share There has been information circulated that the property in question is a double loaded frontage lot. The term double loaded does not appear in any document. Why is this assumption being made? In addition, the zoning map that has been made public is a very small map that does not expand. Generic assumptions have been applied to a unique set of properties on a cul-de-sac . The public has not been privy to the detailed map and the map in question contradicts in every way the descriptions found in the SRP. For example, there is no lane. To assume a Collingwood Place addressed property somehow has frontage on an arterial is not a rational assumption. Would it be possible to meet in person to discuss this and other applications in person? When will a live public open house occur as historically has been undertaken with rezonings? Thank you on Linkedin Email There has been information circulated that the property in question is a double loaded frontage lot. The term double loaded does not appear in any document. Why is this assumption being made? In addition, the zoning map that has been made public is a very small map that does not expand. Generic assumptions have been applied to a unique set of properties on a cul-de-sac . The public has not been privy to the detailed map and the map in question contradicts in every way the descriptions found in the SRP. For example, there is no lane. To assume a Collingwood Place addressed property somehow has frontage on an arterial is not a rational assumption. Would it be possible to meet in person to discuss this and other applications in person? When will a live public open house occur as historically has been undertaken with rezonings? Thank you link

    There has been information circulated that the property in question is a double loaded frontage lot. The term double loaded does not appear in any document. Why is this assumption being made? In addition, the zoning map that has been made public is a very small map that does not expand. Generic assumptions have been applied to a unique set of properties on a cul-de-sac . The public has not been privy to the detailed map and the map in question contradicts in every way the descriptions found in the SRP. For example, there is no lane. To assume a Collingwood Place addressed property somehow has frontage on an arterial is not a rational assumption. Would it be possible to meet in person to discuss this and other applications in person? When will a live public open house occur as historically has been undertaken with rezonings? Thank you

    Hareesh Sara asked almost 2 years ago

    The definition of a double fronting site is defined as “a site abutting 2 parallel or approximately parallel streets” according to the Section 2 of the Zoning and Development By-law. This site at 6081-6083 Collingwood Pl would meet that definition as their entire property also directly faces Dunbar Street from behind

    The map on the SRP Low Density Transition Areas Rezoning Guide shows a very clearly image of where the arterial streets are identified if you zoom in using a computer desktop browser. Accessing this map through a phone may not be advisable and you would not get the desired results. The document is zoom in friendly so you can zoom in as far as 500% and still get a very clear indication of what is a considered an arterial and what is a local street. In the map you can see that all of Dunbar St is highlighted in the dark blue, which is the color to represent arterials. The surrounding light blue are the areas considered as “local streets” and only a small portion of those local streets around Dunbar St are considered eligible under the Secured rental Policy. A portion of Collingwood Pl close to Dunbar St is highlighted in the light blue, thus is eligible under the Secured Rental Policy. However, due to the nature of this site’s rear facing directly onto Dunbar St it is considered to be eligible for more density given its direct proximity to an arterial. 

    Due to the pandemic, a virtual engagement strategy was put in place to ensure the City's process for public discussion and obtaining feedback on rezoning applications was maintained. This virtual approach allows people to access materials online through Shape Your City, and engage at different levels at a time and location of their choosing. 

    Over the course of the pandemic, staff have found engagement numbers were overall higher than previously when we did in person open houses for a single evening. The virtual open house engagement process also aligns with the City’s goals in having our processes be accessible to all citizens in different walks of life. The opportunity for engagement through the virtual platform has given many citizens from diverse backgrounds to participate in ways that they wouldn’t have previously due to scheduling conflicts or time constraints.

  • Share The application to rezone this property to RR-2B is completely contradictory to the Secured Rental Policy adopted by the City. In particular, the property is not located on an arterial, does not have a lane, nor is a corner site. Why have planners even allowed the application go to an open house? on Facebook Share The application to rezone this property to RR-2B is completely contradictory to the Secured Rental Policy adopted by the City. In particular, the property is not located on an arterial, does not have a lane, nor is a corner site. Why have planners even allowed the application go to an open house? on Twitter Share The application to rezone this property to RR-2B is completely contradictory to the Secured Rental Policy adopted by the City. In particular, the property is not located on an arterial, does not have a lane, nor is a corner site. Why have planners even allowed the application go to an open house? on Linkedin Email The application to rezone this property to RR-2B is completely contradictory to the Secured Rental Policy adopted by the City. In particular, the property is not located on an arterial, does not have a lane, nor is a corner site. Why have planners even allowed the application go to an open house? link

    The application to rezone this property to RR-2B is completely contradictory to the Secured Rental Policy adopted by the City. In particular, the property is not located on an arterial, does not have a lane, nor is a corner site. Why have planners even allowed the application go to an open house?

    Hareesh Sara asked almost 2 years ago

    The definition of a double fronting site is defined as “a site abutting 2 parallel or approximately parallel streets” according to the Section 2 of the Zoning and Development By-law. This site at 6081-6083 Collingwood Pl would meet that definition as their entire property also directly faces Dunbar Street from behind. Dunbar Street is identified as an arterial street – an arterial road is a high-capacity urban road to deliver traffic from collector roads to freeways or expressway as defined here: https://opendata.vancouver.ca/map/public_street/?location=15,49.26328,-123.16107

     There are sites that are eligible under the Secured Rental Policy which not include a lane. As part of the staff review it is determined whether or not the project can still achieve the intent of the SRP without a lane. Engineering and Policy staff have determined that there are no underlying issues regarding this site and have directed staff to continue on this application as is.

  • Share Why is this specific rezoning type being considered on a cul-de-sac, which is NOT on an arterial and does NOT have a service lane or sidewalks on Facebook Share Why is this specific rezoning type being considered on a cul-de-sac, which is NOT on an arterial and does NOT have a service lane or sidewalks on Twitter Share Why is this specific rezoning type being considered on a cul-de-sac, which is NOT on an arterial and does NOT have a service lane or sidewalks on Linkedin Email Why is this specific rezoning type being considered on a cul-de-sac, which is NOT on an arterial and does NOT have a service lane or sidewalks link

    Why is this specific rezoning type being considered on a cul-de-sac, which is NOT on an arterial and does NOT have a service lane or sidewalks

    Andrea Sara asked almost 2 years ago

    This area is considered eligible under the Secured Rental Policy for this specific 5-storey apartment form because it has been identified by policy staff as a site that also fronts an arterial street (Dunbar Street). As for the lack of sidewalks, engineering will provide us with conditions outlining future infrastructure requirements the applicant will have to meet in order to move forward with their application.

  • Share How many units in this in total and where exactly are they going to park ???????? on Facebook Share How many units in this in total and where exactly are they going to park ???????? on Twitter Share How many units in this in total and where exactly are they going to park ???????? on Linkedin Email How many units in this in total and where exactly are they going to park ???????? link

    How many units in this in total and where exactly are they going to park ????????

    Ann-Marie Connolly asked almost 2 years ago

    The development is required to provide off-street parking as per the Parking By-law and has an option to reduce vehicle parking requirements with a Transportation Demand Management Plan, as summarized on page 48 of the Residential Rental Districts Schedules Design Guidelines. Parking, loading and bicycle spaces will be reviewed at time of development permit application when proposal drawings are submitted. 

    The number of units for this site will be provided by the applicant at the Development Permit stage, and will be informed by design guidelines for residential rental districts and by other zoning regulations such as those on minimum and maximum unit sizes.