3581 W 30th Ave rezoning application

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This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on July 11, 2023.

We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 3581 W 30th Ave. The zoning would change from RS-5 (Residential) District to RR-2A (Residential Rental) District.

The RR-2A District allows for:

  • A 4-storey apartment building where all units are secured as market rental; and
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) up to 1.75.

The application is being considered under the Secured Rental Policy (Section 2.4 Rezonings in Low-Density Transition Areas).

If approved, this site's zoning will change to RR-2A. Any development on the site would have to conform to these zoning regulations and design guidelines. This approach differs from a site-specific Comprehensive Development (CD) District rezoning. It allows for a simplified rezoning process and provides greater clarity and consistency on the types of new secured rental buildings that may be built in eligible low-density areas.

The specific form of development (building design) will be reviewed through a future Development Permit process. Application drawings will be available for viewing and comment at that time.

Rezoning Policy Background

On December 14, 2021, Council approved amendments to the Secured Rental Policy (SRP) to allow simplified rezonings in low-density areas near shopping, public transportation and other amenities. This policy is intended to help:

  • Increase housing choice for renter households
  • Streamline processes and clarifying policy requirements
  • Diversify rental housing options
  • Respond to the City’s Climate Emergency
  • Help enhance local shopping areas
  • Improving livability of rental housing

Learn more about:

We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 3581 W 30th Ave. The zoning would change from RS-5 (Residential) District to RR-2A (Residential Rental) District.

The RR-2A District allows for:

  • A 4-storey apartment building where all units are secured as market rental; and
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) up to 1.75.

The application is being considered under the Secured Rental Policy (Section 2.4 Rezonings in Low-Density Transition Areas).

If approved, this site's zoning will change to RR-2A. Any development on the site would have to conform to these zoning regulations and design guidelines. This approach differs from a site-specific Comprehensive Development (CD) District rezoning. It allows for a simplified rezoning process and provides greater clarity and consistency on the types of new secured rental buildings that may be built in eligible low-density areas.

The specific form of development (building design) will be reviewed through a future Development Permit process. Application drawings will be available for viewing and comment at that time.

Rezoning Policy Background

On December 14, 2021, Council approved amendments to the Secured Rental Policy (SRP) to allow simplified rezonings in low-density areas near shopping, public transportation and other amenities. This policy is intended to help:

  • Increase housing choice for renter households
  • Streamline processes and clarifying policy requirements
  • Diversify rental housing options
  • Respond to the City’s Climate Emergency
  • Help enhance local shopping areas
  • Improving livability of rental housing

Learn more about:

This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on July 11, 2023.

The opportunity to ask questions through the Q&A is available from January 23, 2023 to February 12, 2023. 

We post all questions as-is and aim to respond within two business days. Some questions may require coordination with internal departments and additional time may be needed to post a response.

Please note that the comment form will remain open after the virtual open house time period. The Rezoning Planner can also be contacted directly for any further feedback or questions.

  • Share Will there be enhancements to the Dunbar community centre to offset the increased population needs? What is the upper limit of units that the property could accommodate at that FSR? on Facebook Share Will there be enhancements to the Dunbar community centre to offset the increased population needs? What is the upper limit of units that the property could accommodate at that FSR? on Twitter Share Will there be enhancements to the Dunbar community centre to offset the increased population needs? What is the upper limit of units that the property could accommodate at that FSR? on Linkedin Email Will there be enhancements to the Dunbar community centre to offset the increased population needs? What is the upper limit of units that the property could accommodate at that FSR? link

    Will there be enhancements to the Dunbar community centre to offset the increased population needs? What is the upper limit of units that the property could accommodate at that FSR?

    DunbarCat asked almost 2 years ago

    The City and Park Board manage a network of 24 community centres geographically distributed across Vancouver. The bulk of these facilities (21 out of 24), including Dunbar Community Centre, were built in the post-WWII era (1945-1980). As the facilities are renewed, the City and Park Board review the size of each facility based on historical and future population growth. 

    Five of these centres were renewed in the last 20-25 years (Killarney, Sunset, Mt. Pleasant, Hillcrest and Trout Lake), and a sixth (Marpole) will be renewed shortly. The remaining 15 centres all need to be renewed, a task that will take at least two or three decades. In recent years, there have been planning studies initiated for RayCam, Britannia and West End community centres. Of these, the renewal and expansion of RayCam Centre, which will be a partnership project with B.C. Housing, was included in the City’s 2023-2026 Capital Plan. Please contact Michel Desrochers, Manager of Capital Planning & Strategy, for further information: michel.desrochers@vancouver.ca or 604-673-8229.

    The Park Board worked with Community Associations and prepared a Community Centre Strategy in 2022, which offers a ranking for future community centre renewal projects. Please contact Doug Shearer, Manager of Planning, Policy and Environment at the Park Board, for further information: doug.shearer@vancouver.ca or 604-257-8404. 

  • Share If we have to have a building, how many units be on each floor? What would be the square footage and how many bedrooms per unit? With the setback of the building be the same as the neighbouring houses? on Facebook Share If we have to have a building, how many units be on each floor? What would be the square footage and how many bedrooms per unit? With the setback of the building be the same as the neighbouring houses? on Twitter Share If we have to have a building, how many units be on each floor? What would be the square footage and how many bedrooms per unit? With the setback of the building be the same as the neighbouring houses? on Linkedin Email If we have to have a building, how many units be on each floor? What would be the square footage and how many bedrooms per unit? With the setback of the building be the same as the neighbouring houses? link

    If we have to have a building, how many units be on each floor? What would be the square footage and how many bedrooms per unit? With the setback of the building be the same as the neighbouring houses?

    Bill Stott asked almost 2 years ago

    In this streamlined process for rezonings to Residential Rental zones, architectural drawings are not provided until a future development permit application, if the rezoning is approved by Council. During the Development Permit process, staff will conduct a detailed review of the proposed form of development, including the site plan, setbacks, and privacy impacts. There will be an opportunity for public engagement at the Development Permit stage.

  • Share What is required for off-street parking per the Parking By-law; do most arterial developments then reduce that through the demand management plan? Do neighbourhood consultations contribute to those stages/decisions? Do those plans include charging stations? And temporary/pay parking? on Facebook Share What is required for off-street parking per the Parking By-law; do most arterial developments then reduce that through the demand management plan? Do neighbourhood consultations contribute to those stages/decisions? Do those plans include charging stations? And temporary/pay parking? on Twitter Share What is required for off-street parking per the Parking By-law; do most arterial developments then reduce that through the demand management plan? Do neighbourhood consultations contribute to those stages/decisions? Do those plans include charging stations? And temporary/pay parking? on Linkedin Email What is required for off-street parking per the Parking By-law; do most arterial developments then reduce that through the demand management plan? Do neighbourhood consultations contribute to those stages/decisions? Do those plans include charging stations? And temporary/pay parking? link

    What is required for off-street parking per the Parking By-law; do most arterial developments then reduce that through the demand management plan? Do neighbourhood consultations contribute to those stages/decisions? Do those plans include charging stations? And temporary/pay parking?

    DunbarCat asked almost 2 years ago

    The development is required to provide off-street parking as per the Parking By-law and has an option to reduce vehicle parking requirements with a Transportation Demand Management Plan, as summarized on page 48 of the Residential Rental Districts Schedules Design Guidelines. Parking, loading and bicycle spaces as well as charging stations will be reviewed at time of development permit application when proposal drawings are submitted. There will be an opportunity for public engagement at the Development Permit stage.

  • Share Does this 4 story apartment have underground parking? How many units are proposed? Are the side streets going to have structures taller than most of what's on Dunbar now? on Facebook Share Does this 4 story apartment have underground parking? How many units are proposed? Are the side streets going to have structures taller than most of what's on Dunbar now? on Twitter Share Does this 4 story apartment have underground parking? How many units are proposed? Are the side streets going to have structures taller than most of what's on Dunbar now? on Linkedin Email Does this 4 story apartment have underground parking? How many units are proposed? Are the side streets going to have structures taller than most of what's on Dunbar now? link

    Does this 4 story apartment have underground parking? How many units are proposed? Are the side streets going to have structures taller than most of what's on Dunbar now?

    Concerned Neighbor asked almost 2 years ago

    The development is required to provide off-street parking as per the Parking By-law and has an option to reduce vehicle parking requirements with a Transportation Demand Management Plan, as summarized on page 48 of the Residential Rental Districts Schedules Design Guidelines. Parking, loading and bicycle spaces will be reviewed at time of development permit application when proposal drawings are submitted. 

    The number of units for this site will be provided by the applicant at the Development Permit stage, and will be informed by design guidelines for residential rental districts and by other zoning regulations such as those on minimum and maximum unit sizes.

    The sites on this block up until Collingwood St are all eligible for rezoning into the RR-1 and RR-2A district schedule, which includes multiplexes, 3-4 storey townhomes and 4-storey apartments. 

  • Share Would the zoning require income limits for renters? on Facebook Share Would the zoning require income limits for renters? on Twitter Share Would the zoning require income limits for renters? on Linkedin Email Would the zoning require income limits for renters? link

    Would the zoning require income limits for renters?

    Frederico Zha asked almost 2 years ago

    No, the rezoning will not require income limits for renters. 

  • Share What does the City of Vancouver mean by "off arterial"? I do not see it defined anywhere, other than the literature stating that it is property that is not arterial? on Facebook Share What does the City of Vancouver mean by "off arterial"? I do not see it defined anywhere, other than the literature stating that it is property that is not arterial? on Twitter Share What does the City of Vancouver mean by "off arterial"? I do not see it defined anywhere, other than the literature stating that it is property that is not arterial? on Linkedin Email What does the City of Vancouver mean by "off arterial"? I do not see it defined anywhere, other than the literature stating that it is property that is not arterial? link

    What does the City of Vancouver mean by "off arterial"? I do not see it defined anywhere, other than the literature stating that it is property that is not arterial?

    Harry Killas asked almost 2 years ago

    An arterial road is a high-capacity urban road to deliver traffic from collector roads to freeways or expressway as defined here: https://opendata.vancouver.ca/map/public_street/?location=15,49.26328,-123.16107 

    Off arterial would be defined as a block that is not an arterial.