East Fraser Lands Waterfront Precinct: 3480 E Kent Ave S (Parcel 30) and 3522 E Kent Ave S (Parcels 33/34 and 35/36) rezoning application

Share East Fraser Lands Waterfront Precinct: 3480 E Kent Ave S (Parcel 30) and 3522 E Kent Ave S (Parcels 33/34 and 35/36) rezoning application on Facebook Share East Fraser Lands Waterfront Precinct: 3480 E Kent Ave S (Parcel 30) and 3522 E Kent Ave S (Parcels 33/34 and 35/36) rezoning application on Twitter Share East Fraser Lands Waterfront Precinct: 3480 E Kent Ave S (Parcel 30) and 3522 E Kent Ave S (Parcels 33/34 and 35/36) rezoning application on Linkedin Email East Fraser Lands Waterfront Precinct: 3480 E Kent Ave S (Parcel 30) and 3522 E Kent Ave S (Parcels 33/34 and 35/36) rezoning application link

This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on July 12, 2022

Since the rezoning proposal was received on October 25, 2021, the application has been revised as follows:

Of the total floor area of 39,246 sq. m (422,442 sq. ft.) proposed in the application submitted on October 25, 2021, an additional 1,951 sq. m (21,000 sq. ft.) of strata-titled residential floor area has been added. The additional 1,951 sq. m (21,000 sq. ft.) will be manifested in three additional floors spread over two towers on Parcel 30 and Parcel 33/34 (see Revised Form of Development drawings under “Application documents”). Staff assessed the original rezoning proposal and determined the additional floor area was supportable from a massing perspective and would help ensure the delivery of the community centre, a priority for this area.

In addition, to ensure the 30,000 sq. ft. community centre and co-located childcare fit with suitable space to enable an architectural response, the maximum height of the community centre is proposed to be amended by 1 additional storey of 5 m (16.4 ft.).

Proposal received on October 25, 2021:

The proposal seeks to amend CD-1 (567) to align with Council approved amendments to the East Fraser Lands Official Development Plan (EFL ODP) to:

  • Allow an additional 39,246 sq. m (422,442 sq. ft.) of floor area:
    • 5,109 sq. m (55,000 sq. ft.) of social housing
    • 9,290 Sq. m (100,000 Sq. ft.) of secured market rental housing
    • 24,846 sq. m (267,442 sq. ft) of market housing
  • Increase the maximum building height:
    • Parcel 33/34, increase from 14 to 22 storeys
    • Parcel 35/36, increase from 9 to 16 storeys

The proposal also considers amendments to the Utilities Development Cost Levy (UDCL) By-Law (No. 12183) in exchange for neighbourhood amenities including a community centre and required site drainage work. Refinement updates to the East Fraser Lands Phase 1 Design Guidelines are also proposed.

The application is being considered under the East Fraser Lands Official Development Plan.

For more information on the East Fraser Lands (River District) community, please visit: https://vancouver.ca/home-property-development/east-fraser-lands-river-district.aspx

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

Since the rezoning proposal was received on October 25, 2021, the application has been revised as follows:

Of the total floor area of 39,246 sq. m (422,442 sq. ft.) proposed in the application submitted on October 25, 2021, an additional 1,951 sq. m (21,000 sq. ft.) of strata-titled residential floor area has been added. The additional 1,951 sq. m (21,000 sq. ft.) will be manifested in three additional floors spread over two towers on Parcel 30 and Parcel 33/34 (see Revised Form of Development drawings under “Application documents”). Staff assessed the original rezoning proposal and determined the additional floor area was supportable from a massing perspective and would help ensure the delivery of the community centre, a priority for this area.

In addition, to ensure the 30,000 sq. ft. community centre and co-located childcare fit with suitable space to enable an architectural response, the maximum height of the community centre is proposed to be amended by 1 additional storey of 5 m (16.4 ft.).

Proposal received on October 25, 2021:

The proposal seeks to amend CD-1 (567) to align with Council approved amendments to the East Fraser Lands Official Development Plan (EFL ODP) to:

  • Allow an additional 39,246 sq. m (422,442 sq. ft.) of floor area:
    • 5,109 sq. m (55,000 sq. ft.) of social housing
    • 9,290 Sq. m (100,000 Sq. ft.) of secured market rental housing
    • 24,846 sq. m (267,442 sq. ft) of market housing
  • Increase the maximum building height:
    • Parcel 33/34, increase from 14 to 22 storeys
    • Parcel 35/36, increase from 9 to 16 storeys

The proposal also considers amendments to the Utilities Development Cost Levy (UDCL) By-Law (No. 12183) in exchange for neighbourhood amenities including a community centre and required site drainage work. Refinement updates to the East Fraser Lands Phase 1 Design Guidelines are also proposed.

The application is being considered under the East Fraser Lands Official Development Plan.

For more information on the East Fraser Lands (River District) community, please visit: https://vancouver.ca/home-property-development/east-fraser-lands-river-district.aspx

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on July 12, 2022

The opportunity to ask questions through the Q&A is available from February 28 to March 20, 2022.

We post all questions as-is and aim to respond within two business days. Some questions may require coordination with internal departments and additional time may be needed to post a response.

Please note that the comment form will remain open after the virtual open house time period. The Rezoning Planner can also be contacted directly for any further feedback or questions.

  • Share How will the homes be protected if the Fraser River floods or there is a tsunami? I'm pretty sure this land is part of the flood plains. on Facebook Share How will the homes be protected if the Fraser River floods or there is a tsunami? I'm pretty sure this land is part of the flood plains. on Twitter Share How will the homes be protected if the Fraser River floods or there is a tsunami? I'm pretty sure this land is part of the flood plains. on Linkedin Email How will the homes be protected if the Fraser River floods or there is a tsunami? I'm pretty sure this land is part of the flood plains. link

    How will the homes be protected if the Fraser River floods or there is a tsunami? I'm pretty sure this land is part of the flood plains.

    E.S. asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your question related to flood protection at East Fraser Lands. During the rezoning process, the City of Vancouver carefully considered provincial and municipal guidelines addressing the risk of sea level rises associated with climate change. Developments in this area are required to have measures in place to protect homes for light rainfall to large storm events. Developments must also have mitigation and control measures in place for major flooding events. Buildings and infrastructure at EFL are required to meet stringent requirements such as:

    1. All buildings are required to be constructed at a flood construction level of 4.8 m above sea level to account for major flooding events, as determined by comprehensive flood modelling. 
    2. All stormwater infrastructure has been designed for predicted 2100 precipitation levels to account for climate change impacts within this century. The infrastructure will be able to handle light rainfall to large storms. 
    3. For extreme storm situations, major drainage infrastructure will be built at a future date to mitigate and control the effects of a 1-in-100 year flood event.  
    4. New dykes will be built along the Fraser River to provide flood protection from rising river levels.
  • Share Define 'affordable housing' please, is it social housing with subsidies through BC or Metro housing? Will the units as usual be the last to be built? on Facebook Share Define 'affordable housing' please, is it social housing with subsidies through BC or Metro housing? Will the units as usual be the last to be built? on Twitter Share Define 'affordable housing' please, is it social housing with subsidies through BC or Metro housing? Will the units as usual be the last to be built? on Linkedin Email Define 'affordable housing' please, is it social housing with subsidies through BC or Metro housing? Will the units as usual be the last to be built? link

    Define 'affordable housing' please, is it social housing with subsidies through BC or Metro housing? Will the units as usual be the last to be built?

    Muxie asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your question regarding the social housing component of this rezoning. In this application, the developer is required to transfer a dirt site (parcel) to the Vancouver Affordable Housing Agency for the purposes of developing a social housing project. The City’s current definition of “social housing” requires that 100% of units in the building must be owned by a non-profit or government agency, with at least 30% of units affordable to incomes at or below Housing Income Limits (HILs). In similar projects, VAHA has partnered with a non-profit housing provider to deliver and operate the housing units. If the project is successful in securing funding commitments from other levels of government, there may be opportunities to further deepen affordability beyond the City’s requirements. 


    In terms of timing, the social housing site will develop independently of Wesgroup’s project. However, the target timeframe is to align the social housing delivery with the development of infrastructure (access roads and utilities) required as part of the overall rezoning. 

  • Share Are there plans for an offleasb dog park in the river district area? on Facebook Share Are there plans for an offleasb dog park in the river district area? on Twitter Share Are there plans for an offleasb dog park in the river district area? on Linkedin Email Are there plans for an offleasb dog park in the river district area? link

    Are there plans for an offleasb dog park in the river district area?

    Tujoyous asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your question. The River District has been broken into 3 main Areas (see map here). There are no off leash dog areas planned for parks in Areas 1 or 2. Design of parks in Area 3 will include public engagement which will provide opportunities for the public to weigh in on which park amenities are most important to them.  

    Improvements will be made to Kinross Ravine Park to improve access from the River District to the existing destination off leash dog area in Everett Crowley Park. 

  • Share How do we ensure this comes before the current council before the elections in the Fall? What will it take to have the City prioritize this ask that my kids and I went to City Hall to have addressed back in 2018? on Facebook Share How do we ensure this comes before the current council before the elections in the Fall? What will it take to have the City prioritize this ask that my kids and I went to City Hall to have addressed back in 2018? on Twitter Share How do we ensure this comes before the current council before the elections in the Fall? What will it take to have the City prioritize this ask that my kids and I went to City Hall to have addressed back in 2018? on Linkedin Email How do we ensure this comes before the current council before the elections in the Fall? What will it take to have the City prioritize this ask that my kids and I went to City Hall to have addressed back in 2018? link

    How do we ensure this comes before the current council before the elections in the Fall? What will it take to have the City prioritize this ask that my kids and I went to City Hall to have addressed back in 2018?

    Esther Moreno asked almost 3 years ago

    Thank you for your question. The delivery of the East Fraser Lands community centre is a key objective of the rezoning consideration and consistent with the Council direction approved in 2021 as part of the EFL ODP 10-year review. In addition, at a recent Council meeting regarding the Capital Plan, the following motion was approved:

    Centering Community Facilities and Infrastructure in 2023-2026 Capital Plan (Member’s Motion B.8)

    https://council.vancouver.ca/20220302/documents/pspc20220302min.pdf (starts on page 12)


    A. THAT Council direct staff to report back early in the 2023-2026 capital budget planning process with a list of potential capital projects that centers community facilities and aging infrastructure to address the City’s significant infrastructure deficit, including utility upgrades and core infrastructure at the end of its duty cycle which needs to be replaced. 

    B. THAT the list of potential capital projects include community facilities such as the new East Fraser Lands Community Centre, the Vancouver Public Library Branch, the Ray-Cam Community Centre renewal and redevelopment in partnership with BC Housing, the renewal and expansion of the West End Community Centre, including the Joe Fortes Library Branch, the Britannia Renewal, the Marpole Library Branch, streets initiatives like the Gastown Complete Street Project, new and improved sidewalks and walking paths, curb ramps at intersections, pedestrian signals and beacons, the installation of new traffic signals where none currently exist to address identified safety considerations, park, green spaces and natural area improvements, as well as priority fire hall renewals. 

    C. THAT the report back includes a list of Vancouver’s community facilities and core infrastructure including their age, expected useful lifespan and current asset condition. 

    D. THAT the list of potential capital projects-community facilities, street initiatives, green spaces and fire hall renewals-reflect the direction given to staff to align the City’s 2023-2026 Capital Plan with the City’s Climate Emergency Action Plan.

    The rezoning application for Area 1 continues to be under review by multiple staff departments. Once the application is approved by Council to be considered at Public Hearing, the public will be notified via the Shape Your City webpage and through mail notification.

    Please email the Rezoning Planner directly with your mailing address if you would like to be added to our notification mailing list.