3362-3384 Vanness Ave & 3347 Clive Ave rezoning application

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This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on January 23, 2024

The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone the subject site from CD-1(201) and CD-1(218) to a new CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. This proposal is non-compliant with respect to the policy noted below. We are seeking your feedback. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 30 (west tower) and 33 (east tower) -storey mixed use building connected with a 6-storey podium and includes:

  • 679 secured rental units with 10% of the residential floor area secured for below market units (approximately 67 units);
  • Commercial space on the ground floor;
  • Dedication of floor area for a 37-space child care facility;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 11.34;
  • A total building height of 91.4 m (300 ft.) (east tower);
  • 214 vehicle parking spaces and 1295 bicycle parking spaces.

The site is located in the Joyce-Collingwood Station Precinct Plan. The application requests consideration of height and density in excess of the existing policy.

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone the subject site from CD-1(201) and CD-1(218) to a new CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. This proposal is non-compliant with respect to the policy noted below. We are seeking your feedback. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 30 (west tower) and 33 (east tower) -storey mixed use building connected with a 6-storey podium and includes:

  • 679 secured rental units with 10% of the residential floor area secured for below market units (approximately 67 units);
  • Commercial space on the ground floor;
  • Dedication of floor area for a 37-space child care facility;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 11.34;
  • A total building height of 91.4 m (300 ft.) (east tower);
  • 214 vehicle parking spaces and 1295 bicycle parking spaces.

The site is located in the Joyce-Collingwood Station Precinct Plan. The application requests consideration of height and density in excess of the existing policy.

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on January 23, 2024

The opportunity to ask questions through the Q&A is available from May 31 to June 13, 2023.

We post all questions as-is and aim to respond within two business days. Some questions may require coordination with internal departments and additional time may be needed to post a response.

Please note that the comment form will remain open after the virtual open house time period. The Rezoning Planner can also be contacted directly for any further feedback or questions.

  • Share Currently there is so much construction underway within the Joyce-Collingwood Station Precinct Area. Do City Planners consider the impact on residents in the neighbourhood and how these concurrent developments affect daily life? There is disruption in noise levels, traffic detours and an increase in air pollution. This proposed large scale development would add more chaos to this small area already under construction with 4 large cranes operating within blocks of each other. Are their regulations on how much development can be approved in any given city area? on Facebook Share Currently there is so much construction underway within the Joyce-Collingwood Station Precinct Area. Do City Planners consider the impact on residents in the neighbourhood and how these concurrent developments affect daily life? There is disruption in noise levels, traffic detours and an increase in air pollution. This proposed large scale development would add more chaos to this small area already under construction with 4 large cranes operating within blocks of each other. Are their regulations on how much development can be approved in any given city area? on Twitter Share Currently there is so much construction underway within the Joyce-Collingwood Station Precinct Area. Do City Planners consider the impact on residents in the neighbourhood and how these concurrent developments affect daily life? There is disruption in noise levels, traffic detours and an increase in air pollution. This proposed large scale development would add more chaos to this small area already under construction with 4 large cranes operating within blocks of each other. Are their regulations on how much development can be approved in any given city area? on Linkedin Email Currently there is so much construction underway within the Joyce-Collingwood Station Precinct Area. Do City Planners consider the impact on residents in the neighbourhood and how these concurrent developments affect daily life? There is disruption in noise levels, traffic detours and an increase in air pollution. This proposed large scale development would add more chaos to this small area already under construction with 4 large cranes operating within blocks of each other. Are their regulations on how much development can be approved in any given city area? link

    Currently there is so much construction underway within the Joyce-Collingwood Station Precinct Area. Do City Planners consider the impact on residents in the neighbourhood and how these concurrent developments affect daily life? There is disruption in noise levels, traffic detours and an increase in air pollution. This proposed large scale development would add more chaos to this small area already under construction with 4 large cranes operating within blocks of each other. Are their regulations on how much development can be approved in any given city area?

    RC Neighbour asked about 1 year ago

    Thanks for the question. There is no policy in place that limits the number of rezoning applications that can be considered at one time within the Joyce-Collingwood Plan Area. - Nick

  • Share With the current housing crisis, how is it acceptable to offer 67 below market units out of 679 (less than 10%) ? For comparison, Ovation (in New Westminster) offered 204 market units + 66 non-market (25%). Does the city require a minimum percentage of affordable units for new development ? If so, what is it? on Facebook Share With the current housing crisis, how is it acceptable to offer 67 below market units out of 679 (less than 10%) ? For comparison, Ovation (in New Westminster) offered 204 market units + 66 non-market (25%). Does the city require a minimum percentage of affordable units for new development ? If so, what is it? on Twitter Share With the current housing crisis, how is it acceptable to offer 67 below market units out of 679 (less than 10%) ? For comparison, Ovation (in New Westminster) offered 204 market units + 66 non-market (25%). Does the city require a minimum percentage of affordable units for new development ? If so, what is it? on Linkedin Email With the current housing crisis, how is it acceptable to offer 67 below market units out of 679 (less than 10%) ? For comparison, Ovation (in New Westminster) offered 204 market units + 66 non-market (25%). Does the city require a minimum percentage of affordable units for new development ? If so, what is it? link

    With the current housing crisis, how is it acceptable to offer 67 below market units out of 679 (less than 10%) ? For comparison, Ovation (in New Westminster) offered 204 market units + 66 non-market (25%). Does the city require a minimum percentage of affordable units for new development ? If so, what is it?

    Esp asked about 1 year ago

    Thanks for the question. The City typically seeks 20% of the residential floor area to be secured at below-market rates. In this application the proponent has proposed 20% of the residential floor area to be secured at below-market rates. In this case, the Community Amenity Contribution (i.e. affordable housing) is subject to a negotiation. - Nick

    Edit to response June 6, 2023: For clarification, the applicant has proposed 10% of the residential floor area to be secured at below-market rates.

  • Share On top of being non-compliant, this building visual identidy is in contrast with every building in the neighbourhood. How is this factor taken into account when reviewing application ? on Facebook Share On top of being non-compliant, this building visual identidy is in contrast with every building in the neighbourhood. How is this factor taken into account when reviewing application ? on Twitter Share On top of being non-compliant, this building visual identidy is in contrast with every building in the neighbourhood. How is this factor taken into account when reviewing application ? on Linkedin Email On top of being non-compliant, this building visual identidy is in contrast with every building in the neighbourhood. How is this factor taken into account when reviewing application ? link

    On top of being non-compliant, this building visual identidy is in contrast with every building in the neighbourhood. How is this factor taken into account when reviewing application ?

    Esp asked about 1 year ago

    Thanks for the question. The form of development is reviewed by staff as part of the application review process. The proposal is also reviewed by the City’s Urban Design Panel and further refined through the Development Permit stage of the permitting process. - Nick

  • Share Why is this rezoning application being considered if it’s non compliant on Facebook Share Why is this rezoning application being considered if it’s non compliant on Twitter Share Why is this rezoning application being considered if it’s non compliant on Linkedin Email Why is this rezoning application being considered if it’s non compliant link

    Why is this rezoning application being considered if it’s non compliant

    Predictor asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for the question. The City is required to process and review complete applications received, regardless of whether the proposal is compliant with policy or not. - Nick