298 Alexander St "Specific address: 105 Gore Ave" (DP-2022-00733) development application
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The Director of Planning approved this application, and a Development Permit was issued on October 30, 2024.
Skladan Architecture Ltd. has applied to the City of Vancouver for permission for alterations to create two units on the main floor and to change the use from Wholesale to Artist Studios Class-B, and to add approximately 494.0 sq.ft. to the mezzanine level for ancillary office use, at the above-noted address, consisting of:
- Artist Studios of approximately 6,708.3 sq.ft.
- Proposed contemporary dance theatre with live performances
- Proposed hours of operation: 7 am to 11 pm, seven (7) days a week
- Proposed performance venue for dance festivals (3 to 4 times per year) 6 pm to 2 am
- Proposed pop-up light boxed and three rooftop units
Under the site’s existing DEOD zoning, the application is “conditional” so it may be permitted. However, it requires the decision of the Director of Planning.