2535 Carolina St and 557-569 E 10th Ave rezoning application

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The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone the subject site from RT-5 (Residential) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. This proposal is non-compliant with respect to the policy noted below. We are seeking your feedback. The proposal is to allow for the development of an 18-storey mixed-use building and includes:

  • 150 secured rental units with 20% of the floor area secured for below market rental units (approximately 33 units);
  • Commercial space on the ground floor;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 5.80
  • A building height of 62.0 m (204 ft.); and
  • 53 vehicle parking spaces and 250 bicycle spaces.

The site is located in the Broadway Plan. The application requests consideration of an additional tower to be permitted on this block in excess of the existing policy.

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone the subject site from RT-5 (Residential) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. This proposal is non-compliant with respect to the policy noted below. We are seeking your feedback. The proposal is to allow for the development of an 18-storey mixed-use building and includes:

  • 150 secured rental units with 20% of the floor area secured for below market rental units (approximately 33 units);
  • Commercial space on the ground floor;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 5.80
  • A building height of 62.0 m (204 ft.); and
  • 53 vehicle parking spaces and 250 bicycle spaces.

The site is located in the Broadway Plan. The application requests consideration of an additional tower to be permitted on this block in excess of the existing policy.

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

​The Q&A period has concluded. Thank you for participating.

The opportunity to ask questions through the Q&A is available from January 31 to February 13, 2024. 

We post all questions as-is and aim to respond within two business days. Some questions may require coordination with internal departments and additional time may be needed to post a response.

Please note that the comment form will remain open after the Q&A period. The Rezoning Planner can also be contacted directly for any further feedback or questions.

  • Share Since this is the 2nd tower application on this block, "in excess of the existing policy", can you confirm what kind of building would follow Broadway Plan for this site? For example, on page 256 of the Broadway Plan (https://guidelines.vancouver.ca/policy-plan-broadway.pdf#page=256), could the developer build a 3 to 6 storey, 1.0 to 2.7 FSR wood-frame (low GHG) building instead? If the 6-storey building follows policy, can the city or developer tell us how many units one could hypothetically get instead? on Facebook Share Since this is the 2nd tower application on this block, "in excess of the existing policy", can you confirm what kind of building would follow Broadway Plan for this site? For example, on page 256 of the Broadway Plan (https://guidelines.vancouver.ca/policy-plan-broadway.pdf#page=256), could the developer build a 3 to 6 storey, 1.0 to 2.7 FSR wood-frame (low GHG) building instead? If the 6-storey building follows policy, can the city or developer tell us how many units one could hypothetically get instead? on Twitter Share Since this is the 2nd tower application on this block, "in excess of the existing policy", can you confirm what kind of building would follow Broadway Plan for this site? For example, on page 256 of the Broadway Plan (https://guidelines.vancouver.ca/policy-plan-broadway.pdf#page=256), could the developer build a 3 to 6 storey, 1.0 to 2.7 FSR wood-frame (low GHG) building instead? If the 6-storey building follows policy, can the city or developer tell us how many units one could hypothetically get instead? on Linkedin Email Since this is the 2nd tower application on this block, "in excess of the existing policy", can you confirm what kind of building would follow Broadway Plan for this site? For example, on page 256 of the Broadway Plan (https://guidelines.vancouver.ca/policy-plan-broadway.pdf#page=256), could the developer build a 3 to 6 storey, 1.0 to 2.7 FSR wood-frame (low GHG) building instead? If the 6-storey building follows policy, can the city or developer tell us how many units one could hypothetically get instead? link

    Since this is the 2nd tower application on this block, "in excess of the existing policy", can you confirm what kind of building would follow Broadway Plan for this site? For example, on page 256 of the Broadway Plan (https://guidelines.vancouver.ca/policy-plan-broadway.pdf#page=256), could the developer build a 3 to 6 storey, 1.0 to 2.7 FSR wood-frame (low GHG) building instead? If the 6-storey building follows policy, can the city or developer tell us how many units one could hypothetically get instead?

    Alex_Coffee asked 6 months ago

    Thank you for your question. Yes, an alternative form of development which may be considered under section 10.25 of the Broadway Plan is for a secured rental building of up to 3-6 storeys in height with a maximum density ranging between 1.0 to 2.7 FSR. The number of units for a 3-6 storey building would be significantly less than what a tower form may provide. The building design and number of units proposed would be determined through the applicant.

  • Share Why is the City processing a non-compliant application that doesn't follow the rules of the Broadway Plan? This creates mis-trust in the community- what other rules will be broken? on Facebook Share Why is the City processing a non-compliant application that doesn't follow the rules of the Broadway Plan? This creates mis-trust in the community- what other rules will be broken? on Twitter Share Why is the City processing a non-compliant application that doesn't follow the rules of the Broadway Plan? This creates mis-trust in the community- what other rules will be broken? on Linkedin Email Why is the City processing a non-compliant application that doesn't follow the rules of the Broadway Plan? This creates mis-trust in the community- what other rules will be broken? link

    Why is the City processing a non-compliant application that doesn't follow the rules of the Broadway Plan? This creates mis-trust in the community- what other rules will be broken?

    Cory asked 6 months ago

    Staff are required to review all submitted rezoning applications, as submitted. The applicant has chosen to submit the current proposal. Feedback received from the public and from the Urban Design Panel will help to inform staff analysis and potential rezoning conditions.

  • Share Why would you approve a highrise of this height given all the buildings on Broadway in this area are only up to about 5-stories? Does it not make sense to have any high-rises on Broadway and 4-5 stories on the side street? I drive through 10th and Carolina everyday...bikes come down the hill from Fraser very fast plus it's a dark and narrow street....this type of density on a bike lane is a recipe for disaster! This height of building is not aesthetically pleasing and ruins the look of the neighbourhood. Even if this application gets' revised to half the height like the other one at 523-548 East 10th, it is still too high. Keep the buildings more than 5+ stories on Broadway if you need to adhere to the Broadway plan. Do you not see how ridiculous this size of a building looks in the neighbourhood? on Facebook Share Why would you approve a highrise of this height given all the buildings on Broadway in this area are only up to about 5-stories? Does it not make sense to have any high-rises on Broadway and 4-5 stories on the side street? I drive through 10th and Carolina everyday...bikes come down the hill from Fraser very fast plus it's a dark and narrow street....this type of density on a bike lane is a recipe for disaster! This height of building is not aesthetically pleasing and ruins the look of the neighbourhood. Even if this application gets' revised to half the height like the other one at 523-548 East 10th, it is still too high. Keep the buildings more than 5+ stories on Broadway if you need to adhere to the Broadway plan. Do you not see how ridiculous this size of a building looks in the neighbourhood? on Twitter Share Why would you approve a highrise of this height given all the buildings on Broadway in this area are only up to about 5-stories? Does it not make sense to have any high-rises on Broadway and 4-5 stories on the side street? I drive through 10th and Carolina everyday...bikes come down the hill from Fraser very fast plus it's a dark and narrow street....this type of density on a bike lane is a recipe for disaster! This height of building is not aesthetically pleasing and ruins the look of the neighbourhood. Even if this application gets' revised to half the height like the other one at 523-548 East 10th, it is still too high. Keep the buildings more than 5+ stories on Broadway if you need to adhere to the Broadway plan. Do you not see how ridiculous this size of a building looks in the neighbourhood? on Linkedin Email Why would you approve a highrise of this height given all the buildings on Broadway in this area are only up to about 5-stories? Does it not make sense to have any high-rises on Broadway and 4-5 stories on the side street? I drive through 10th and Carolina everyday...bikes come down the hill from Fraser very fast plus it's a dark and narrow street....this type of density on a bike lane is a recipe for disaster! This height of building is not aesthetically pleasing and ruins the look of the neighbourhood. Even if this application gets' revised to half the height like the other one at 523-548 East 10th, it is still too high. Keep the buildings more than 5+ stories on Broadway if you need to adhere to the Broadway plan. Do you not see how ridiculous this size of a building looks in the neighbourhood? link

    Why would you approve a highrise of this height given all the buildings on Broadway in this area are only up to about 5-stories? Does it not make sense to have any high-rises on Broadway and 4-5 stories on the side street? I drive through 10th and Carolina everyday...bikes come down the hill from Fraser very fast plus it's a dark and narrow street....this type of density on a bike lane is a recipe for disaster! This height of building is not aesthetically pleasing and ruins the look of the neighbourhood. Even if this application gets' revised to half the height like the other one at 523-548 East 10th, it is still too high. Keep the buildings more than 5+ stories on Broadway if you need to adhere to the Broadway plan. Do you not see how ridiculous this size of a building looks in the neighbourhood?

    WW asked 6 months ago

    Thank you for your questions. The Broadway Plan allows for a range of housing types on both local and arterial streets in the Mount Pleasant RT Areas – Area B. On the block where this development is proposed, there is potential through rezoning to consider one tower to a maximum height of 18 storeys. Where a second tower cannot be achieved, an alternative form of development up to six stories may be considered. Please refer to section 10.25 of the Broadway Plan for further details.

    Staff review of the application is ongoing and it will be up to City Council to make a decision if they will support or not support the application. Further details of how the rezoning process works can be found online here: https://vancouver.ca/home-property-development/how-rezoning-works.aspx.

  • Share 1) how will cyclist and pedestrian safety be addressed, given the influx of new car commuters on a busy bike and pedestrian route ? 2) will the building preserve any architectural style which is characteristic to Mount pleasant and especially to 10th avenue? on Facebook Share 1) how will cyclist and pedestrian safety be addressed, given the influx of new car commuters on a busy bike and pedestrian route ? 2) will the building preserve any architectural style which is characteristic to Mount pleasant and especially to 10th avenue? on Twitter Share 1) how will cyclist and pedestrian safety be addressed, given the influx of new car commuters on a busy bike and pedestrian route ? 2) will the building preserve any architectural style which is characteristic to Mount pleasant and especially to 10th avenue? on Linkedin Email 1) how will cyclist and pedestrian safety be addressed, given the influx of new car commuters on a busy bike and pedestrian route ? 2) will the building preserve any architectural style which is characteristic to Mount pleasant and especially to 10th avenue? link

    1) how will cyclist and pedestrian safety be addressed, given the influx of new car commuters on a busy bike and pedestrian route ? 2) will the building preserve any architectural style which is characteristic to Mount pleasant and especially to 10th avenue?

    A_salvino asked 6 months ago

    Thank you for your questions. As part of the rezoning process, Engineering staff will review conditions of the existing road network and any possible impacts the development may have on it. Conditions may be included for off-site requirements to improve transportation operations and safety for all road users. Prior to construction, the applicant is to meet with and coordinate construction and street use impacts with the City’s Engineering team. Appropriate permits are required to secure street space and any closures must be permitted in advance with proper traffic management plans approved. Traffic management plans are reviewed closely by Engineering staff to ensure there are safe vehicular, cycling, and pedestrian provisions during construction to provide access for the local residents and businesses. 
    The Broadway Plan does not prescribe an architectural style, however, section 11 of the Broadway Plan describes principles for the built form and site design. Staff review considers architectural quality and will also receive advice from the Urban Design Panel regarding the built form for this rezoning application.

    The applicant has noted the building is designed to promote architecture that is sympathetic to the pedestrian scale. For example, the building includes residential units facing the street with steps and porches that act as eyes on the street and may foster chance encounters between new building residents and people in the existing neighbourhood. The applicant has also noted the corner store is intended to add to the pedestrian experience and contribute to the neighbourhood.

  • Share Can the height be limited? on Facebook Share Can the height be limited? on Twitter Share Can the height be limited? on Linkedin Email Can the height be limited? link

    Can the height be limited?

    Mainstreetmom asked 6 months ago

    Under the “Mount Pleasant RT – Area B” section of the Broadway Plan, a height of up to 18 storeys may be considered where secured rental housing is proposed with a minimum of 20% of the net residential floor area is secured at below-market rents. Minor increases in height may be considered for delivery of ground-level local-serving retail uses. Staff review is underway and an analysis of the form of development will be reflected in a future referral report.

  • Share I'm confused about the wording of the second last paragraph. It mentions a second tower but I only see one. Would this be in addition to the 18 story, 150 unit tower? on Facebook Share I'm confused about the wording of the second last paragraph. It mentions a second tower but I only see one. Would this be in addition to the 18 story, 150 unit tower? on Twitter Share I'm confused about the wording of the second last paragraph. It mentions a second tower but I only see one. Would this be in addition to the 18 story, 150 unit tower? on Linkedin Email I'm confused about the wording of the second last paragraph. It mentions a second tower but I only see one. Would this be in addition to the 18 story, 150 unit tower? link

    I'm confused about the wording of the second last paragraph. It mentions a second tower but I only see one. Would this be in addition to the 18 story, 150 unit tower?

    Baseballontheradio asked 6 months ago

    In “Mount Pleasant RT – Area B”, the Broadway Plan (policy 10.25.2) allows for a maximum of one tower on this block. A rezoning application located adjacent to this site at 523-549 E 10th Avenue was the first to submit a rezoning application which proposes a tower on this bock. Proposing a second tower at the subject site is beyond what is permitted under the Broadway Plan.

  • Share Where are people going to park? It’s already a nightmare to park in the area and the lack of parking in this building will just further exacerbate the problem. on Facebook Share Where are people going to park? It’s already a nightmare to park in the area and the lack of parking in this building will just further exacerbate the problem. on Twitter Share Where are people going to park? It’s already a nightmare to park in the area and the lack of parking in this building will just further exacerbate the problem. on Linkedin Email Where are people going to park? It’s already a nightmare to park in the area and the lack of parking in this building will just further exacerbate the problem. link

    Where are people going to park? It’s already a nightmare to park in the area and the lack of parking in this building will just further exacerbate the problem.

    John Smiths asked 6 months ago

    The proposed development is required to meet the Parking By-law and provide off-street vehicle parking spaces. It is well-sited to encourage reduced vehicle trips and parking demand as it is in close proximity to the frequent transit network (along Broadway), cycling infrastructure (existing bikeways along E 10th Avenue), as well as the future sky train station at Main Street and Broadway. A Transportation Demand Management Plan has been provided by the applicant which helps to further reduce development demand for vehicle trips and parking.

  • Share Why are including a fake shadow study on page 25 of the application booklet? Why are you showing many renderings with fake context? As you should know well that there are buildings on Broadway across the laneway at 2525 Carolina. There's also a tower rezoning next door. on Facebook Share Why are including a fake shadow study on page 25 of the application booklet? Why are you showing many renderings with fake context? As you should know well that there are buildings on Broadway across the laneway at 2525 Carolina. There's also a tower rezoning next door. on Twitter Share Why are including a fake shadow study on page 25 of the application booklet? Why are you showing many renderings with fake context? As you should know well that there are buildings on Broadway across the laneway at 2525 Carolina. There's also a tower rezoning next door. on Linkedin Email Why are including a fake shadow study on page 25 of the application booklet? Why are you showing many renderings with fake context? As you should know well that there are buildings on Broadway across the laneway at 2525 Carolina. There's also a tower rezoning next door. link

    Why are including a fake shadow study on page 25 of the application booklet? Why are you showing many renderings with fake context? As you should know well that there are buildings on Broadway across the laneway at 2525 Carolina. There's also a tower rezoning next door.

    redpanda asked 6 months ago

    Every applicant provides shadow studies which are vetted through the rezoning process. The applicant has confirmed the shadow studies are accurate and have accounted for daylight savings time.  Staff review is underway and an analysis of the application will be reflected in a future referral report. 

    The applicants documents reflect a snapshot in time showing context for buildings constructed up to 2020. Staff review of the application will consider current context. There is a separate rezoning application proposed to the west of this site, however, it is not part of the existing context and has not been reviewed by City Council at this point in time.

  • Share 1. Are you intending to keep the bike lane on East 10th after the tower is built or redirect it elsewhere? 2. How will street parking be affected? How will existing residents find parking spots close to their homes? 3. Will all the large trees that line this street be preserved (the “fly through provided shows many are removed”)? on Facebook Share 1. Are you intending to keep the bike lane on East 10th after the tower is built or redirect it elsewhere? 2. How will street parking be affected? How will existing residents find parking spots close to their homes? 3. Will all the large trees that line this street be preserved (the “fly through provided shows many are removed”)? on Twitter Share 1. Are you intending to keep the bike lane on East 10th after the tower is built or redirect it elsewhere? 2. How will street parking be affected? How will existing residents find parking spots close to their homes? 3. Will all the large trees that line this street be preserved (the “fly through provided shows many are removed”)? on Linkedin Email 1. Are you intending to keep the bike lane on East 10th after the tower is built or redirect it elsewhere? 2. How will street parking be affected? How will existing residents find parking spots close to their homes? 3. Will all the large trees that line this street be preserved (the “fly through provided shows many are removed”)? link

    1. Are you intending to keep the bike lane on East 10th after the tower is built or redirect it elsewhere? 2. How will street parking be affected? How will existing residents find parking spots close to their homes? 3. Will all the large trees that line this street be preserved (the “fly through provided shows many are removed”)?

    MJH asked 6 months ago

    Thank you for your questions. Section 14.2 of The Broadway Plan identifies E 10th Avenue as a future greenway.  Prior to construction, the applicant is to meet with and coordinate construction and street use impacts with the City’s Engineering team. Appropriate permits are required to secure street space and any closures must be permitted in advance with proper traffic management plans approved. Traffic management plans are reviewed closely by Engineering staff to ensure there are safe vehicular, cycling, and pedestrian provisions during construction to provide access for the local residents and businesses. 

    The proposed rezoning must meet the Parking By-law with respect to off-street vehicle parking spaces. The applicant is proposing Transportation Demand Management measures that will help to reduce development demand for vehicle trips and parking. Curbside regulations will be reviewed and updates implemented in advance of building occupancy to ensure appropriate availability of curbside parking. Requests for permit parking may be made by contacting 3-1-1 or through the City’s website for staff review.

    All existing street trees along Carolina Street and E 10th Avenue are shown as retainable at this time, per the arborist report submitted by the applicant. 

Page last updated: 23 Feb 2024, 04:02 PM