2108 and 2408 Cassiar St (Skeena Terrace) rezoning application

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This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on March 12, 2024

The City of Vancouver has received an application to amend the existing CD-1 (11B) to allow for the phased master-plan of 2108 and 2408 Cassiar St (Skeena Terrace). The proposal is for the redevelopment of the 10.8-acre site with buildings between 4 and 36 storeys. This proposal includes:

  • 1924 units of social housing;
  • A 74-space childcare facility;
  • Public open spaces and sport court;
  • 145,759 sq. m (1,568,936 sq. ft.) of residential space;
  • 1,269 sq. m (13,660 sq. ft.) of commercial-retail space;
  • A gross floor area of 148,589 sq. m. (1,599,396 sq. ft.); and
  • A maximum building height of 113 m (371 ft.).

This application is being considered under the Skeena Terrace Policy Statement.

A community information session will be held on June 14, 2023, from 5-8 pm at The Skeena Hut (2202 Cassiar Street) with City staff and the applicant team available to answer questions.

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

The City of Vancouver has received an application to amend the existing CD-1 (11B) to allow for the phased master-plan of 2108 and 2408 Cassiar St (Skeena Terrace). The proposal is for the redevelopment of the 10.8-acre site with buildings between 4 and 36 storeys. This proposal includes:

  • 1924 units of social housing;
  • A 74-space childcare facility;
  • Public open spaces and sport court;
  • 145,759 sq. m (1,568,936 sq. ft.) of residential space;
  • 1,269 sq. m (13,660 sq. ft.) of commercial-retail space;
  • A gross floor area of 148,589 sq. m. (1,599,396 sq. ft.); and
  • A maximum building height of 113 m (371 ft.).

This application is being considered under the Skeena Terrace Policy Statement.

A community information session will be held on June 14, 2023, from 5-8 pm at The Skeena Hut (2202 Cassiar Street) with City staff and the applicant team available to answer questions.

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on March 12, 2024

The opportunity to ask questions through the Q&A is available from June 7 to June 20, 2023 

We post all questions as-is and aim to respond within two business days. Some questions may require coordination with internal departments and additional time may be needed to post a response.

Please note that the comment form will remain open after the Q&A period. The Rezoning Planner can also be contacted directly for any further feedback or questions.

  • Share I attended the open house yesterday and had a question about the impacts of the sewer utility upgrades. It is my impression the sewer services run under the right of way North of 5th Ave, and not under the street itself. What is the level of impact to the properties along 5th Ave and what is the tree preservation/replacement plan for any trees that may be impacted during the upgrades? My Property is at the corner of 5th Ave and Cassiar, do the sewer upgrades extend that far along 5th Ave, or only between Skeena St and Hermon Dr? Thanks for your time, Harvey Harrison on Facebook Share I attended the open house yesterday and had a question about the impacts of the sewer utility upgrades. It is my impression the sewer services run under the right of way North of 5th Ave, and not under the street itself. What is the level of impact to the properties along 5th Ave and what is the tree preservation/replacement plan for any trees that may be impacted during the upgrades? My Property is at the corner of 5th Ave and Cassiar, do the sewer upgrades extend that far along 5th Ave, or only between Skeena St and Hermon Dr? Thanks for your time, Harvey Harrison on Twitter Share I attended the open house yesterday and had a question about the impacts of the sewer utility upgrades. It is my impression the sewer services run under the right of way North of 5th Ave, and not under the street itself. What is the level of impact to the properties along 5th Ave and what is the tree preservation/replacement plan for any trees that may be impacted during the upgrades? My Property is at the corner of 5th Ave and Cassiar, do the sewer upgrades extend that far along 5th Ave, or only between Skeena St and Hermon Dr? Thanks for your time, Harvey Harrison on Linkedin Email I attended the open house yesterday and had a question about the impacts of the sewer utility upgrades. It is my impression the sewer services run under the right of way North of 5th Ave, and not under the street itself. What is the level of impact to the properties along 5th Ave and what is the tree preservation/replacement plan for any trees that may be impacted during the upgrades? My Property is at the corner of 5th Ave and Cassiar, do the sewer upgrades extend that far along 5th Ave, or only between Skeena St and Hermon Dr? Thanks for your time, Harvey Harrison link

    I attended the open house yesterday and had a question about the impacts of the sewer utility upgrades. It is my impression the sewer services run under the right of way North of 5th Ave, and not under the street itself. What is the level of impact to the properties along 5th Ave and what is the tree preservation/replacement plan for any trees that may be impacted during the upgrades? My Property is at the corner of 5th Ave and Cassiar, do the sewer upgrades extend that far along 5th Ave, or only between Skeena St and Hermon Dr? Thanks for your time, Harvey Harrison

    hharrison asked about 1 year ago

    The tree in question (corner of 5th Ave and Cassiar St.) does not exist in our public street tree inventory and is likely private. A survey may be required to confirm. The sewer upgrade scope for Skeena Terrace will not extend as far as the tree. The sewer in this area is very deep(4-8m) and so if upstream upgrades are needed in the future as part of the Rupert and Renfrew area plan, they could potentially impact the tree, but these upgrades are not yet planned.

  • Share What is going to happen to all the giant trees in the neighbourhood? I hope the plan is not to remove them all, and plant new ones, because it will not look like the concept images for many years as they grow. Also thetr is currently a pretty good variety of trees, the concept video only shows one type of green looking tree, I hope for a nice variety when the area is rebuilt as well. on Facebook Share What is going to happen to all the giant trees in the neighbourhood? I hope the plan is not to remove them all, and plant new ones, because it will not look like the concept images for many years as they grow. Also thetr is currently a pretty good variety of trees, the concept video only shows one type of green looking tree, I hope for a nice variety when the area is rebuilt as well. on Twitter Share What is going to happen to all the giant trees in the neighbourhood? I hope the plan is not to remove them all, and plant new ones, because it will not look like the concept images for many years as they grow. Also thetr is currently a pretty good variety of trees, the concept video only shows one type of green looking tree, I hope for a nice variety when the area is rebuilt as well. on Linkedin Email What is going to happen to all the giant trees in the neighbourhood? I hope the plan is not to remove them all, and plant new ones, because it will not look like the concept images for many years as they grow. Also thetr is currently a pretty good variety of trees, the concept video only shows one type of green looking tree, I hope for a nice variety when the area is rebuilt as well. link

    What is going to happen to all the giant trees in the neighbourhood? I hope the plan is not to remove them all, and plant new ones, because it will not look like the concept images for many years as they grow. Also thetr is currently a pretty good variety of trees, the concept video only shows one type of green looking tree, I hope for a nice variety when the area is rebuilt as well.

    Skeena Guy asked about 1 year ago

    There are 230 protected trees on the site. Of these, 28 are Shared with the City. Out of the 230 protected trees, 123 are recommended for removal and 104 protected trees are recommended for retention as part of this rezoning application. 

    Of the 230 on-site trees, 19 have good or excellent health and structure; they have high retention value and potential longevity in an urban landscape. A further 130 trees have moderate health and structure and have medium retention value, but may require remedial work to promote their health and structural integrity if retained. 81 trees have poor health and structure or are dying/dead and have low retention value and one has a retention value of nil.

    With respect to future planting, there will be an emphasis placed on expanding the collection to include a broader range of native species and those more resilient to the increasing effects of climate change.  Page 45 and 46 of the rezoning booklet contains more details about the retention and planting strategy.