1665-1685 W 11th Ave rezoning application

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Revised Application (October 1, 2024)

The City of Vancouver has received a revised application to remove the private childcare facility from the proposal. The general form of development and number of residential units remains the same as the original application with a lowered height and a reduced density. The revised proposal now includes:

  • 190 secured rental units with 20% of the floor area secured for below market rental units;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 6.50; and
  • A building height of 72.4 m (238 ft.) or 21-storeys.

Rezoning Application (December 20, 2023)

The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone the subject site from RM-3 (Residential) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 22-storey mixed-use building and includes:

  • 190 secured rental units with 20% of the floor area secured for below market rental units;
  • A 25-space private childcare facility;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 6.80; and
  • A building height of 75.5 m (248 ft.).

This application is being considered under the Broadway Plan.

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

May 14, 2024:

Revised shadow studies have been provided. These shadow studies have accounted for daylight savings time.

Revised Application (October 1, 2024)

The City of Vancouver has received a revised application to remove the private childcare facility from the proposal. The general form of development and number of residential units remains the same as the original application with a lowered height and a reduced density. The revised proposal now includes:

  • 190 secured rental units with 20% of the floor area secured for below market rental units;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 6.50; and
  • A building height of 72.4 m (238 ft.) or 21-storeys.

Rezoning Application (December 20, 2023)

The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone the subject site from RM-3 (Residential) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 22-storey mixed-use building and includes:

  • 190 secured rental units with 20% of the floor area secured for below market rental units;
  • A 25-space private childcare facility;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 6.80; and
  • A building height of 75.5 m (248 ft.).

This application is being considered under the Broadway Plan.

Application drawings and statistics on this webpage are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.

May 14, 2024:

Revised shadow studies have been provided. These shadow studies have accounted for daylight savings time.

​The Q&A period has concluded. Thank you for participating.

The opportunity to ask questions through the Q&A is available from April 17 to April 30, 2024.

We post all questions as-is and aim to respond within two business days. Some questions may require coordination with internal departments and additional time may be needed to post a response.

Please note that the comment form will remain open after the Q&A period. The Rezoning Planner can also be contacted directly for any further feedback or questions.

  • Share In Section 4.9 of the application booklet, the building shadow study for the spring equinox, summer solstice and fall equinox are all incorrect. You can easily verify this against https://gml.noaa.gov/grad/solcalc/ . Can you please kindly post correct shadow studies for these times? Thank you. on Facebook Share In Section 4.9 of the application booklet, the building shadow study for the spring equinox, summer solstice and fall equinox are all incorrect. You can easily verify this against https://gml.noaa.gov/grad/solcalc/ . Can you please kindly post correct shadow studies for these times? Thank you. on Twitter Share In Section 4.9 of the application booklet, the building shadow study for the spring equinox, summer solstice and fall equinox are all incorrect. You can easily verify this against https://gml.noaa.gov/grad/solcalc/ . Can you please kindly post correct shadow studies for these times? Thank you. on Linkedin Email In Section 4.9 of the application booklet, the building shadow study for the spring equinox, summer solstice and fall equinox are all incorrect. You can easily verify this against https://gml.noaa.gov/grad/solcalc/ . Can you please kindly post correct shadow studies for these times? Thank you. link

    In Section 4.9 of the application booklet, the building shadow study for the spring equinox, summer solstice and fall equinox are all incorrect. You can easily verify this against https://gml.noaa.gov/grad/solcalc/ . Can you please kindly post correct shadow studies for these times? Thank you.

    MarxistAwakening asked 11 months ago

    Thank you for your question. The applicant has submitted revised shadow studies to account for daylight savings time. These are available online here: https://rezoning.vancouver.ca/applications/1665-1685-w-11th-ave/shadow-studies.pdf 


  • Share The proposed new units show bedroom renderings which do not appear to have enough space to hold a double size bed. Given that the city has referred to the minimum occupancy standards in all of its documentation for the broadway plan, which requires a bedroom to be able to house up to 2 adults, how can these units be classed as having 2 or 3 bedrooms if a given bedroom could not reasonably fit two adults? on Facebook Share The proposed new units show bedroom renderings which do not appear to have enough space to hold a double size bed. Given that the city has referred to the minimum occupancy standards in all of its documentation for the broadway plan, which requires a bedroom to be able to house up to 2 adults, how can these units be classed as having 2 or 3 bedrooms if a given bedroom could not reasonably fit two adults? on Twitter Share The proposed new units show bedroom renderings which do not appear to have enough space to hold a double size bed. Given that the city has referred to the minimum occupancy standards in all of its documentation for the broadway plan, which requires a bedroom to be able to house up to 2 adults, how can these units be classed as having 2 or 3 bedrooms if a given bedroom could not reasonably fit two adults? on Linkedin Email The proposed new units show bedroom renderings which do not appear to have enough space to hold a double size bed. Given that the city has referred to the minimum occupancy standards in all of its documentation for the broadway plan, which requires a bedroom to be able to house up to 2 adults, how can these units be classed as having 2 or 3 bedrooms if a given bedroom could not reasonably fit two adults? link

    The proposed new units show bedroom renderings which do not appear to have enough space to hold a double size bed. Given that the city has referred to the minimum occupancy standards in all of its documentation for the broadway plan, which requires a bedroom to be able to house up to 2 adults, how can these units be classed as having 2 or 3 bedrooms if a given bedroom could not reasonably fit two adults?

    your_neighbour asked 11 months ago

    Thank you for your question. There is no policy which regulates the size of a bedroom or a bed, however, staff review the overall livability of a unit. For example, section 11.1.16 of the Broadway Plan regulates the depth of residential units and considers solar and ventilation access.

  • Share I am concerned about the lack of parking. This new development will result in 108 new apartments without an available parking stall which will leave residents using street parking. Parking is already limited and many residents require use of a personal vehicle due to accessibility and/or pets which are not allowed on public transit or most car shares. How does the city plan to ensure street parking remains a viable option for existing neighbors and residents? on Facebook Share I am concerned about the lack of parking. This new development will result in 108 new apartments without an available parking stall which will leave residents using street parking. Parking is already limited and many residents require use of a personal vehicle due to accessibility and/or pets which are not allowed on public transit or most car shares. How does the city plan to ensure street parking remains a viable option for existing neighbors and residents? on Twitter Share I am concerned about the lack of parking. This new development will result in 108 new apartments without an available parking stall which will leave residents using street parking. Parking is already limited and many residents require use of a personal vehicle due to accessibility and/or pets which are not allowed on public transit or most car shares. How does the city plan to ensure street parking remains a viable option for existing neighbors and residents? on Linkedin Email I am concerned about the lack of parking. This new development will result in 108 new apartments without an available parking stall which will leave residents using street parking. Parking is already limited and many residents require use of a personal vehicle due to accessibility and/or pets which are not allowed on public transit or most car shares. How does the city plan to ensure street parking remains a viable option for existing neighbors and residents? link

    I am concerned about the lack of parking. This new development will result in 108 new apartments without an available parking stall which will leave residents using street parking. Parking is already limited and many residents require use of a personal vehicle due to accessibility and/or pets which are not allowed on public transit or most car shares. How does the city plan to ensure street parking remains a viable option for existing neighbors and residents?

    your_neighbour asked 11 months ago

    The proposed development is required to comply with the Parking By-law with respect to off-street vehicle parking spaces. The site is located in close proximity to frequent transit network, cycling infrastructure and a future SkyTrain station at Granville and Broadway. The applicant has provided a Transportation Demand Management Plan to further reduce development demand for vehicle trips and parking which will be reviewed by Engineering staff. Additionally, curbside regulations will be reviewed by staff in advance of any building occupancy to ensure appropriate availability of parking.

  • Share There is an accident at the intersection of 11th and Fir almost weekly. How is a street this small supposed to handle an influx of people from a building this size? Also how can you justify UN-housing THREE homes full of people, their family and pets? on Facebook Share There is an accident at the intersection of 11th and Fir almost weekly. How is a street this small supposed to handle an influx of people from a building this size? Also how can you justify UN-housing THREE homes full of people, their family and pets? on Twitter Share There is an accident at the intersection of 11th and Fir almost weekly. How is a street this small supposed to handle an influx of people from a building this size? Also how can you justify UN-housing THREE homes full of people, their family and pets? on Linkedin Email There is an accident at the intersection of 11th and Fir almost weekly. How is a street this small supposed to handle an influx of people from a building this size? Also how can you justify UN-housing THREE homes full of people, their family and pets? link

    There is an accident at the intersection of 11th and Fir almost weekly. How is a street this small supposed to handle an influx of people from a building this size? Also how can you justify UN-housing THREE homes full of people, their family and pets?

    ChristineMcAvoy asked 11 months ago


    The proposed development is required to comply with the Parking By-law with respect to off-street vehicle parking spaces and well-sited to encourage reduced vehicle trip and parking demand. It is in close proximity to the frequent transit network (W Broadway), cycling infrastructure (existing bikeways along W 10th Ave), as well as the future sky train station at Granville & Broadway. A Transportation Demand Management Plan has been provided which helps to further reduce development demand for vehicle trips and parking. As part of the rezoning process, Engineering staff include a review of the application with respect to transportation impacts and, if identified, may include development conditions for off-site requirements to improve transportation operations and safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists adjacent to the site.


    The Broadway Plan was developed to address the needs of a growing City of Vancouver and with respect to housing, persistently low rental vacancy rates and rising costs mean that there is a significant need for increased tenant protections and supports alongside new rental housing in the area, including below-market and non-market options. The large stock of existing older rental housing in the Broadway Plan area provides valuable affordable housing; however, many buildings will need major repairs and, in some cases, redevelopment over the next 30 years. The Broadway Plan seeks to strike a balance between enabling new rental supply, providing options for retention and renewal, and minimizing displacement impacts by ensuring renters can remain in their neighbourhood at affordable rents.

    The Tenant Relocation Protection Policy has been enhanced to protect tenants who will be displaced as a result of the need for additional rental units that was identified in the Broadway Plan, and includes the following benefits:

    Offer the right of first refusal to existing tenants to return to a new rental unit at a 20% discount to city-wide average market rents by unit type for the City of Vancouver as published annually by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) in the Rental Market Report, or at the tenant’s current rent, whichever is less. Further, require that all tenants of buildings being demolished for redevelopment are offered units appropriate for them as defined by CMHC occupancy standards with consideration for tenant preferences and additional needs as identified in the Tenant Needs Assessment at their same rent or provided with a rent top up option as per the policy before issuing a demolition permit.

  • Share how will access to shared amenities be determined? will the whole building have access or only a select few? on Facebook Share how will access to shared amenities be determined? will the whole building have access or only a select few? on Twitter Share how will access to shared amenities be determined? will the whole building have access or only a select few? on Linkedin Email how will access to shared amenities be determined? will the whole building have access or only a select few? link

    how will access to shared amenities be determined? will the whole building have access or only a select few?

    concerned3 asked 11 months ago

    All on-site indoor and outdoor shared amenity spaces are required to be accessible for all building residents. This excludes private patios and balconies only accessible through a housing unit.

  • Share I'm concerned about the lack of mention of pets or any visible pet friendly spaces in the plans considering this will replace 3 pet friendly buildings. where are the residents supposed to take their pets to go to the bathroom when three is basically no lawn space? on Facebook Share I'm concerned about the lack of mention of pets or any visible pet friendly spaces in the plans considering this will replace 3 pet friendly buildings. where are the residents supposed to take their pets to go to the bathroom when three is basically no lawn space? on Twitter Share I'm concerned about the lack of mention of pets or any visible pet friendly spaces in the plans considering this will replace 3 pet friendly buildings. where are the residents supposed to take their pets to go to the bathroom when three is basically no lawn space? on Linkedin Email I'm concerned about the lack of mention of pets or any visible pet friendly spaces in the plans considering this will replace 3 pet friendly buildings. where are the residents supposed to take their pets to go to the bathroom when three is basically no lawn space? link

    I'm concerned about the lack of mention of pets or any visible pet friendly spaces in the plans considering this will replace 3 pet friendly buildings. where are the residents supposed to take their pets to go to the bathroom when three is basically no lawn space?

    concerned3 asked 11 months ago

    Thank you for your question. The applicant has advised they have not yet determined a pet policy for this building should it be approved. Please note there is no land regulating policy requiring pet friendly buildings.

Page last updated: 18 Feb 2025, 04:25 PM