1401-1455 E 49th Ave rezoning application

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Building Example

The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone the subject site from R1-1 (Residential Inclusive) District and C-1 (Commercial) District to RR-3B (Residential Rental) District. The proposal includes:

  • A six-storey mixed-use rental building;
  • At least 20% of the floor area secured for below-market rental units;
  • Commercial space at the ground floor; and
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) up to 3.50.

The application is being considered under the Secured Rental Policy

If approved, this site's zoning will change to RR-3B. Any development on the site would have to conform to these zoning regulations and design guidelines. The specific form of development (building design) will be reviewed through a future Development Permit process. Application drawings will be available for viewing and comment at that time.

This approach differs from a site-specific Comprehensive Development (CD) District rezoning. It allows for a simplified rezoning process and provides greater clarity and consistency on the types of new secured rental buildings that may be built in eligible low-density areas.

Background: Southern Portion of Sir Sanford Fleming Elementary School

As part of the seismic mitigation program, the Ministry of Education and Child Care identified and funded the construction of a new Sir Sanford Fleming Elementary School. This process included a reconfiguration of the school site, which presented an opportunity to repurpose the southern portion of the property for rental housing. With Ministry approval, the Vancouver School Board finalized a 99-year lease with Vittori Developments Ltd. for the southern portion of our school site as per Board Policy 20 - Disposal of land or improvements. [media.vsb.bc.ca]

Learn more about the public engagement and disposition process of the Fleming school site at https://www.vsb.bc.ca/page/4916/south-portion-of-fleming-site

Questions relating to the disposition process, including policies and procedures of VSB, can be directed to planning@vsb.bc.ca or 604-713-5000.

It is important to note that the VSB and the City are separate entities with distinct responsibilities and governance structures, operating independently of one another. As the land use regulator, the City is responsible for reviewing the rezoning application.

Rezoning Policy Background

On December 14, 2021, Council approved amendments to the Secured Rental Policy (SRP) to allow simplified rezonings in low-density areas near shopping, public transportation and other amenities. This policy is intended to help:

  • Increase housing choice for renter households
  • Streamline processes and clarifying policy requirements
  • Diversify rental housing options
  • Respond to the City’s Climate Emergency
  • Help enhance local shopping areas
  • Improving livability of rental housing

Learn more about:

Building Example

The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone the subject site from R1-1 (Residential Inclusive) District and C-1 (Commercial) District to RR-3B (Residential Rental) District. The proposal includes:

  • A six-storey mixed-use rental building;
  • At least 20% of the floor area secured for below-market rental units;
  • Commercial space at the ground floor; and
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) up to 3.50.

The application is being considered under the Secured Rental Policy

If approved, this site's zoning will change to RR-3B. Any development on the site would have to conform to these zoning regulations and design guidelines. The specific form of development (building design) will be reviewed through a future Development Permit process. Application drawings will be available for viewing and comment at that time.

This approach differs from a site-specific Comprehensive Development (CD) District rezoning. It allows for a simplified rezoning process and provides greater clarity and consistency on the types of new secured rental buildings that may be built in eligible low-density areas.

Background: Southern Portion of Sir Sanford Fleming Elementary School

As part of the seismic mitigation program, the Ministry of Education and Child Care identified and funded the construction of a new Sir Sanford Fleming Elementary School. This process included a reconfiguration of the school site, which presented an opportunity to repurpose the southern portion of the property for rental housing. With Ministry approval, the Vancouver School Board finalized a 99-year lease with Vittori Developments Ltd. for the southern portion of our school site as per Board Policy 20 - Disposal of land or improvements. [media.vsb.bc.ca]

Learn more about the public engagement and disposition process of the Fleming school site at https://www.vsb.bc.ca/page/4916/south-portion-of-fleming-site

Questions relating to the disposition process, including policies and procedures of VSB, can be directed to planning@vsb.bc.ca or 604-713-5000.

It is important to note that the VSB and the City are separate entities with distinct responsibilities and governance structures, operating independently of one another. As the land use regulator, the City is responsible for reviewing the rezoning application.

Rezoning Policy Background

On December 14, 2021, Council approved amendments to the Secured Rental Policy (SRP) to allow simplified rezonings in low-density areas near shopping, public transportation and other amenities. This policy is intended to help:

  • Increase housing choice for renter households
  • Streamline processes and clarifying policy requirements
  • Diversify rental housing options
  • Respond to the City’s Climate Emergency
  • Help enhance local shopping areas
  • Improving livability of rental housing

Learn more about:

​The Q&A period has concluded. Thank you for participating.

The opportunity to ask questions through the Q&A is available from January 29 to February 11, 2025. 

We post all questions as-is and aim to respond within two business days. Some questions may require coordination with internal departments and additional time may be needed to post a response.

Please note that the comment form will remain open after the Q&A period. The Rezoning Planner can also be contacted directly for any further feedback or questions.

  • Share Can you share a copy of the subdivision plan showing the site? You informed me that its area is 25 797 ft.² but the CBC reported that it was 33,000 ft.² (0.31 ha) and the reporter says he got that area in a statement from the school board. . on Facebook Share Can you share a copy of the subdivision plan showing the site? You informed me that its area is 25 797 ft.² but the CBC reported that it was 33,000 ft.² (0.31 ha) and the reporter says he got that area in a statement from the school board. . on Twitter Share Can you share a copy of the subdivision plan showing the site? You informed me that its area is 25 797 ft.² but the CBC reported that it was 33,000 ft.² (0.31 ha) and the reporter says he got that area in a statement from the school board. . on Linkedin Email Can you share a copy of the subdivision plan showing the site? You informed me that its area is 25 797 ft.² but the CBC reported that it was 33,000 ft.² (0.31 ha) and the reporter says he got that area in a statement from the school board. . link

    Can you share a copy of the subdivision plan showing the site? You informed me that its area is 25 797 ft.² but the CBC reported that it was 33,000 ft.² (0.31 ha) and the reporter says he got that area in a statement from the school board. .

    Rob R asked 28 days ago

    No plans are available nor required for this rezoning to a district schedule. Zoning district changes require fewer submission requirements and is less complex than rezoning to a CD-1, which is a zone customized for a specific site. With a zoning district change, the proposal’s design is not reviewed during the rezoning stage, and the proposal is expected to comply with existing zoning regulations and associated guidelines, which will be reviewed at the development permit stage to follow.

    You can get an estimate about the lot size using the public VanMaps tool here.

  • Share What are the dimensions and area of the site being rezoned? on Facebook Share What are the dimensions and area of the site being rezoned? on Twitter Share What are the dimensions and area of the site being rezoned? on Linkedin Email What are the dimensions and area of the site being rezoned? link

    What are the dimensions and area of the site being rezoned?

    Rob R asked 29 days ago

    The dimensions of the site are approximately 75 m (246 ft.) x 32 m (105 ft.). The site area is approximately 2,397 sq. m (25,797 sq. ft.).

  • Share Where will the parking be located? How will you be dealing with the extra traffic you add to the roads? How will you be keeping the school children safe if this goes ahead? on Facebook Share Where will the parking be located? How will you be dealing with the extra traffic you add to the roads? How will you be keeping the school children safe if this goes ahead? on Twitter Share Where will the parking be located? How will you be dealing with the extra traffic you add to the roads? How will you be keeping the school children safe if this goes ahead? on Linkedin Email Where will the parking be located? How will you be dealing with the extra traffic you add to the roads? How will you be keeping the school children safe if this goes ahead? link

    Where will the parking be located? How will you be dealing with the extra traffic you add to the roads? How will you be keeping the school children safe if this goes ahead?

    Bob Smith asked about 1 month ago

    Residential parking, visitor parking, loading and accessible parking for the development will be provided on the site as required by the Parking By-law. 


    The school and development site are well-sited with respect to the active and sustainable transportation network. It is located on two Frequent Transit Network bus lines (49th Ave and Knight St), and bike routes along Inverness, Dumfries and E47th. Through continued City-wide implementation of the goals and actions identified in the Transportation 2040 Plan and accelerated through the Climate Emergency Action Plan response, the City continues to see an overall decrease in vehicle trips, by improving access to cycling, transit, and other modes City-wide.


    A comprehensive suite of transportation safety and traffic calming measures are already in place near the school, including:  

    • Speed humps along Lanark Street
    • Pedestrian signals at E49th Ave. and Knight St. with countdown timers that accommodate children’s walking speed, and automatic pedestrian signal phases during the daytime.
    • Pedestrian signals at E47th Ave. and Knight Street
    • Sidewalk along all streets in the surrounding area, including a new one on the south side of E 47th Avenue adjacent to BC Hydro electrical station between Inverness Street and Knight Street.
    • Protected left turn signals for vehicles turning from Knight Street onto 49th Avenue to reduce vehicle collision risks and improve pedestrian safety.
Page last updated: 24 Feb 2025, 04:19 PM