130 W Broadway rezoning application

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This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on May 30, 2024

We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 130 W Broadway. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 29- (east tower) and a 28- (west tower) storey residential building on top of a single-storey shared podium. The zoning would change from C-3A (Commercial) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. This proposal includes:

  • 524 secured market rental units;
  • Commercial space at grade and on level 2;
  • A 37-space child care facility;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 8.46;
  • A floor area of 41,271 sq. m ( 444,241 sq. ft.);
  • Building heights of 100.1 m (328 ft.) (east tower) and 99.1 m (325 ft.) (west tower) [with additional height for a rooftop amenity space]; and
  • 372 vehicle parking spaces and 1,151 bicycle parking spaces.

The application is being considered under the Broadway Plan.

Revised Submission October and November 2023

Following public consultation and staff review the applicant submitted a revised form of development that complies with the height policy in the Broadway Plan. The revision includes height of 71.9 m (235 ft.) for the east tower (21-storeys) and 93.6 m (307 ft.) for the west tower (28-storeys). The proposed density, uses and amenity remain the same as the original submission.

The applicant submitted additional drawings to demonstrate the proposed in-kind, 37-space childcare facility will meet the licensing and size requirements. The proposed density, heights, uses and amenity remain the same as the October revision.

We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 130 W Broadway. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 29- (east tower) and a 28- (west tower) storey residential building on top of a single-storey shared podium. The zoning would change from C-3A (Commercial) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. This proposal includes:

  • 524 secured market rental units;
  • Commercial space at grade and on level 2;
  • A 37-space child care facility;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 8.46;
  • A floor area of 41,271 sq. m ( 444,241 sq. ft.);
  • Building heights of 100.1 m (328 ft.) (east tower) and 99.1 m (325 ft.) (west tower) [with additional height for a rooftop amenity space]; and
  • 372 vehicle parking spaces and 1,151 bicycle parking spaces.

The application is being considered under the Broadway Plan.

Revised Submission October and November 2023

Following public consultation and staff review the applicant submitted a revised form of development that complies with the height policy in the Broadway Plan. The revision includes height of 71.9 m (235 ft.) for the east tower (21-storeys) and 93.6 m (307 ft.) for the west tower (28-storeys). The proposed density, uses and amenity remain the same as the original submission.

The applicant submitted additional drawings to demonstrate the proposed in-kind, 37-space childcare facility will meet the licensing and size requirements. The proposed density, heights, uses and amenity remain the same as the October revision.

This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on May 30, 2024

The opportunity to ask questions through the Q&A is available from March 13 to April 2, 2023. 

We post all questions as-is and aim to respond within two business days. Some questions may require coordination with internal departments and additional time may be needed to post a response.

Please note that the comment form will remain open after the virtual open house time period. The Rezoning Planner can also be contacted directly for any further feedback or questions.

  • Share Is it possible to summarize the findings from the TAMS and TDM in relation to this project. I read through the material and looked at the visuals, but saw nothing that calmed any concerns that I may have of a huge increase of vehicular traffic based on the number of units proposed. Thank you. Carol on Facebook Share Is it possible to summarize the findings from the TAMS and TDM in relation to this project. I read through the material and looked at the visuals, but saw nothing that calmed any concerns that I may have of a huge increase of vehicular traffic based on the number of units proposed. Thank you. Carol on Twitter Share Is it possible to summarize the findings from the TAMS and TDM in relation to this project. I read through the material and looked at the visuals, but saw nothing that calmed any concerns that I may have of a huge increase of vehicular traffic based on the number of units proposed. Thank you. Carol on Linkedin Email Is it possible to summarize the findings from the TAMS and TDM in relation to this project. I read through the material and looked at the visuals, but saw nothing that calmed any concerns that I may have of a huge increase of vehicular traffic based on the number of units proposed. Thank you. Carol link

    Is it possible to summarize the findings from the TAMS and TDM in relation to this project. I read through the material and looked at the visuals, but saw nothing that calmed any concerns that I may have of a huge increase of vehicular traffic based on the number of units proposed. Thank you. Carol

    Quinn asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for the question. I suggest you contact the applicant team for further detail on the findings. Mitchell Mills from the applicant team will be able to respond to your questions. He can be reached at mitchellm@relianceproperties.ca

    Thanks, Nick

  • Share I believe these buildings would be in the catchment for Simon Fraser Elementary, a school that regularly has a 60+ kid wait list for kindergarten. The addition of these buildings will put a further strain on that school and other surrounding schools that take the overflow. Has any progress been made towards the Olympic Village Elementary school build happening? I completely support density in our growing city but the city needs to plan these large developments in collaboration with the Vancouver School Board to ensure adequate classroom space is available for the families that will move into the area. Seems a bit like the cart is before the horse here…. on Facebook Share I believe these buildings would be in the catchment for Simon Fraser Elementary, a school that regularly has a 60+ kid wait list for kindergarten. The addition of these buildings will put a further strain on that school and other surrounding schools that take the overflow. Has any progress been made towards the Olympic Village Elementary school build happening? I completely support density in our growing city but the city needs to plan these large developments in collaboration with the Vancouver School Board to ensure adequate classroom space is available for the families that will move into the area. Seems a bit like the cart is before the horse here…. on Twitter Share I believe these buildings would be in the catchment for Simon Fraser Elementary, a school that regularly has a 60+ kid wait list for kindergarten. The addition of these buildings will put a further strain on that school and other surrounding schools that take the overflow. Has any progress been made towards the Olympic Village Elementary school build happening? I completely support density in our growing city but the city needs to plan these large developments in collaboration with the Vancouver School Board to ensure adequate classroom space is available for the families that will move into the area. Seems a bit like the cart is before the horse here…. on Linkedin Email I believe these buildings would be in the catchment for Simon Fraser Elementary, a school that regularly has a 60+ kid wait list for kindergarten. The addition of these buildings will put a further strain on that school and other surrounding schools that take the overflow. Has any progress been made towards the Olympic Village Elementary school build happening? I completely support density in our growing city but the city needs to plan these large developments in collaboration with the Vancouver School Board to ensure adequate classroom space is available for the families that will move into the area. Seems a bit like the cart is before the horse here…. link

    I believe these buildings would be in the catchment for Simon Fraser Elementary, a school that regularly has a 60+ kid wait list for kindergarten. The addition of these buildings will put a further strain on that school and other surrounding schools that take the overflow. Has any progress been made towards the Olympic Village Elementary school build happening? I completely support density in our growing city but the city needs to plan these large developments in collaboration with the Vancouver School Board to ensure adequate classroom space is available for the families that will move into the area. Seems a bit like the cart is before the horse here….

    Lauren M asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for the question. We understand the concern and pressures on the schools in the Mount Pleasant and Olympic Village area. City staff and the Vancouver School Board continue to plan and work towards development of the school site in Southeast False Creek. 

    Thanks, Nick

  • Share The 37 space childcare does not seem like an equal trade off for below market housing--which in desperately short supply. How is this calculated? Who decides which option is more important? Additionally, does the city take into account shading caused by such tall buildings? on Facebook Share The 37 space childcare does not seem like an equal trade off for below market housing--which in desperately short supply. How is this calculated? Who decides which option is more important? Additionally, does the city take into account shading caused by such tall buildings? on Twitter Share The 37 space childcare does not seem like an equal trade off for below market housing--which in desperately short supply. How is this calculated? Who decides which option is more important? Additionally, does the city take into account shading caused by such tall buildings? on Linkedin Email The 37 space childcare does not seem like an equal trade off for below market housing--which in desperately short supply. How is this calculated? Who decides which option is more important? Additionally, does the city take into account shading caused by such tall buildings? link

    The 37 space childcare does not seem like an equal trade off for below market housing--which in desperately short supply. How is this calculated? Who decides which option is more important? Additionally, does the city take into account shading caused by such tall buildings?

    dselkirk asked over 1 year ago

    Thank you for the questions. The 37-space childcare facility is proposed as a Community Amenity Contribution (CAC) by the applicant. The proposed dedication of a turn-key childcare space is in line with the Public Benefits Strategy of the Broadway Plan. This rezoning application is subject to the City’s Community Amenity Contribution Policy for Rezonings. This application is subject to a negotiated CAC as outlined in the policy. 

    Shadow studies at the equinoxes are evaluated and considered in the review of the proposal. Shadow studies for this project have been included in the application documents on the application webpage. 

    Thanks, Nick

  • Share Is there any concern around the streams that flow from the south down to Broadway in this area.. Will the depth and the width of the foundation and underground parking, change the flow of the water or possibly cause it to back up to properties south of the project? What is the common practice around underground streams/water table? on Facebook Share Is there any concern around the streams that flow from the south down to Broadway in this area.. Will the depth and the width of the foundation and underground parking, change the flow of the water or possibly cause it to back up to properties south of the project? What is the common practice around underground streams/water table? on Twitter Share Is there any concern around the streams that flow from the south down to Broadway in this area.. Will the depth and the width of the foundation and underground parking, change the flow of the water or possibly cause it to back up to properties south of the project? What is the common practice around underground streams/water table? on Linkedin Email Is there any concern around the streams that flow from the south down to Broadway in this area.. Will the depth and the width of the foundation and underground parking, change the flow of the water or possibly cause it to back up to properties south of the project? What is the common practice around underground streams/water table? link

    Is there any concern around the streams that flow from the south down to Broadway in this area.. Will the depth and the width of the foundation and underground parking, change the flow of the water or possibly cause it to back up to properties south of the project? What is the common practice around underground streams/water table?

    Quinn asked over 1 year ago

    Thank you for your question. A Preliminary Geotechnical Report and Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment is submitted as part of the rezoning and review by staff. Pending the review conditions with regards to these aspects may be included as a requirement of approval of the rezoning.

  • Share What plan will there be to address over subscription and crowding to community things such as schools, pools, swim lessons, and parks? There is no plan to address how added housing density will stress already full services. on Facebook Share What plan will there be to address over subscription and crowding to community things such as schools, pools, swim lessons, and parks? There is no plan to address how added housing density will stress already full services. on Twitter Share What plan will there be to address over subscription and crowding to community things such as schools, pools, swim lessons, and parks? There is no plan to address how added housing density will stress already full services. on Linkedin Email What plan will there be to address over subscription and crowding to community things such as schools, pools, swim lessons, and parks? There is no plan to address how added housing density will stress already full services. link

    What plan will there be to address over subscription and crowding to community things such as schools, pools, swim lessons, and parks? There is no plan to address how added housing density will stress already full services.

    Elydell asked over 1 year ago

    Thank you for the question. The Broadway Plan is a 30 year plan that identifies short, medium and long term implementation items that include many of the items you’ve raised. Over the first 10-years of the Plan, the Public Benefits Strategy (PBS) commits to planning and design work for community centre expansion near the plan. For example, the PBS includes plans for a renewed Mt Pleasant Neighbourhood House, a new and expanded Firehall Library, and new community-serving spaces at the Civic District, which together will help provide similar services that community centres offer. Additional work for finding ways to expand community centre spaces will commence in Q2/Q3 of 2023. Furthermore, work on the Broadway Plan's public realm will begin in Q3/Q4 of 2023. This will look into where and how space for additional parks and public open spaces will be improved. 

  • Share Will a parking stall be included in the monthly rent for the apartments? I am aware of at least one apartment building in the immediate neighbourhood where the landlord has de-coupled the parking stall from the monthly rent and charges extra for a parking stall. This has resulted in untenable pressure on curb-side parking as every tenant has boycotted the additional costs of parking while the entire underground parkade remains empty. Will residents of the new building(s) be eligible to purchase an annual resident parking pass to park on the street? I am aware of at least one municipality in the Metro region where occupants of new buildings are not eligible for annual curb-side parking permits given the saturated condition of curb-side parking and the requirement that new development be required to provide sufficient on-site parking. on Facebook Share Will a parking stall be included in the monthly rent for the apartments? I am aware of at least one apartment building in the immediate neighbourhood where the landlord has de-coupled the parking stall from the monthly rent and charges extra for a parking stall. This has resulted in untenable pressure on curb-side parking as every tenant has boycotted the additional costs of parking while the entire underground parkade remains empty. Will residents of the new building(s) be eligible to purchase an annual resident parking pass to park on the street? I am aware of at least one municipality in the Metro region where occupants of new buildings are not eligible for annual curb-side parking permits given the saturated condition of curb-side parking and the requirement that new development be required to provide sufficient on-site parking. on Twitter Share Will a parking stall be included in the monthly rent for the apartments? I am aware of at least one apartment building in the immediate neighbourhood where the landlord has de-coupled the parking stall from the monthly rent and charges extra for a parking stall. This has resulted in untenable pressure on curb-side parking as every tenant has boycotted the additional costs of parking while the entire underground parkade remains empty. Will residents of the new building(s) be eligible to purchase an annual resident parking pass to park on the street? I am aware of at least one municipality in the Metro region where occupants of new buildings are not eligible for annual curb-side parking permits given the saturated condition of curb-side parking and the requirement that new development be required to provide sufficient on-site parking. on Linkedin Email Will a parking stall be included in the monthly rent for the apartments? I am aware of at least one apartment building in the immediate neighbourhood where the landlord has de-coupled the parking stall from the monthly rent and charges extra for a parking stall. This has resulted in untenable pressure on curb-side parking as every tenant has boycotted the additional costs of parking while the entire underground parkade remains empty. Will residents of the new building(s) be eligible to purchase an annual resident parking pass to park on the street? I am aware of at least one municipality in the Metro region where occupants of new buildings are not eligible for annual curb-side parking permits given the saturated condition of curb-side parking and the requirement that new development be required to provide sufficient on-site parking. link

    Will a parking stall be included in the monthly rent for the apartments? I am aware of at least one apartment building in the immediate neighbourhood where the landlord has de-coupled the parking stall from the monthly rent and charges extra for a parking stall. This has resulted in untenable pressure on curb-side parking as every tenant has boycotted the additional costs of parking while the entire underground parkade remains empty. Will residents of the new building(s) be eligible to purchase an annual resident parking pass to park on the street? I am aware of at least one municipality in the Metro region where occupants of new buildings are not eligible for annual curb-side parking permits given the saturated condition of curb-side parking and the requirement that new development be required to provide sufficient on-site parking.

    JimL asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for the questions. Please see the responses below. 

    Q: Will a parking stall be included in the monthly rent for the apartments?

    A: Response has been provided by the applicant team: In alignment with the City of Vancouver’s Broadway Plan Guiding Principles and the Climate Emergency Action Plan goals, the proposed development seeks to support active transportation methods within the Broadway corridor, reducing traffic concerns and promoting healthy communities. Of note, the site is in close proximity to the Broadway – City Hall Skytrain station that will provide residents with easy access to the Canada Line Skytrain and new Broadway Subway line.

    At this point in time, it is undetermined whether parking stalls will be included as part of the rent for the secured market rental units within the proposed development. The applicant team will work to ensure that adequate parking for future tenants is available while maintaining flexibility to accommodate a variety of lifestyles, and accessibility requirements. 

    Additionally, as part of the rezoning application the applicant team has submitted a comprehensive Transportation Assessment and Management Study (TAMS) inclusive of a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Report with the intent to lessen dependency on motor vehicles for visitors and residents of the proposed development alike.

    Q: Will residents of the new building(s) be eligible to purchase an annual resident parking pass to park on the street?

    A: Response has been provided by the City. The site is not located within an existing residential parking permit zone.

    The development is required to provide parking per the requirements of the Parking Bylaw, which includes provisions for vehicle parking for both residents, visitors and passenger loading on-site. As well, the development is well-sited to encourage reduced vehicle trips and parking demand. It is located in close proximity to the frequent transit network (along Broadway), cycling infrastructure (existing bikeways along Yukon St, Ontario St and W 10th Ave and a future bikeway along Columbia Street), as well as the future sky train station at Main & Broadway. A Transportation Demand Management Plan has been provided which helps to reduce development demand for vehicle trips and parking.

    Thanks, Nick

  • Share Hi Nick, thank you for directing me to the Transportation Assessment and Management Strategy. The version on the application page appears to be absent the appendices. I am wondering if you could kindly add the the appendices to the application page as well. Of particular interest is the Transportation Demand Management Plan (Appendix E), Loading management Plan (Appendix D), and Signal Warrant Analysis for the recommended signal at the broadway/Columbia intersection (Appendix G). Also, the Transportation and Management Strategy does not include any plans related to the construction phase. As I am sure you can appreciate, this has the potential to adversely impact the immediate neighbourhood, therefore a well thought out plan identifying construction vehicle/equipment access routing, pedestrian/transit impacts and provision of on-site construction worker parking etc. would be very much appreciated. Many thanks, JimL on Facebook Share Hi Nick, thank you for directing me to the Transportation Assessment and Management Strategy. The version on the application page appears to be absent the appendices. I am wondering if you could kindly add the the appendices to the application page as well. Of particular interest is the Transportation Demand Management Plan (Appendix E), Loading management Plan (Appendix D), and Signal Warrant Analysis for the recommended signal at the broadway/Columbia intersection (Appendix G). Also, the Transportation and Management Strategy does not include any plans related to the construction phase. As I am sure you can appreciate, this has the potential to adversely impact the immediate neighbourhood, therefore a well thought out plan identifying construction vehicle/equipment access routing, pedestrian/transit impacts and provision of on-site construction worker parking etc. would be very much appreciated. Many thanks, JimL on Twitter Share Hi Nick, thank you for directing me to the Transportation Assessment and Management Strategy. The version on the application page appears to be absent the appendices. I am wondering if you could kindly add the the appendices to the application page as well. Of particular interest is the Transportation Demand Management Plan (Appendix E), Loading management Plan (Appendix D), and Signal Warrant Analysis for the recommended signal at the broadway/Columbia intersection (Appendix G). Also, the Transportation and Management Strategy does not include any plans related to the construction phase. As I am sure you can appreciate, this has the potential to adversely impact the immediate neighbourhood, therefore a well thought out plan identifying construction vehicle/equipment access routing, pedestrian/transit impacts and provision of on-site construction worker parking etc. would be very much appreciated. Many thanks, JimL on Linkedin Email Hi Nick, thank you for directing me to the Transportation Assessment and Management Strategy. The version on the application page appears to be absent the appendices. I am wondering if you could kindly add the the appendices to the application page as well. Of particular interest is the Transportation Demand Management Plan (Appendix E), Loading management Plan (Appendix D), and Signal Warrant Analysis for the recommended signal at the broadway/Columbia intersection (Appendix G). Also, the Transportation and Management Strategy does not include any plans related to the construction phase. As I am sure you can appreciate, this has the potential to adversely impact the immediate neighbourhood, therefore a well thought out plan identifying construction vehicle/equipment access routing, pedestrian/transit impacts and provision of on-site construction worker parking etc. would be very much appreciated. Many thanks, JimL link

    Hi Nick, thank you for directing me to the Transportation Assessment and Management Strategy. The version on the application page appears to be absent the appendices. I am wondering if you could kindly add the the appendices to the application page as well. Of particular interest is the Transportation Demand Management Plan (Appendix E), Loading management Plan (Appendix D), and Signal Warrant Analysis for the recommended signal at the broadway/Columbia intersection (Appendix G). Also, the Transportation and Management Strategy does not include any plans related to the construction phase. As I am sure you can appreciate, this has the potential to adversely impact the immediate neighbourhood, therefore a well thought out plan identifying construction vehicle/equipment access routing, pedestrian/transit impacts and provision of on-site construction worker parking etc. would be very much appreciated. Many thanks, JimL

    JimL asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for the follow up. The response below was provided by the applicant team. 

    Unfortunately we are unable to share the appendices from the TAMS report due to proprietary information. 

    However, we want to assure you that we are committed to addressing the concerns raised by the neighbourhood during the entitlements and construction process. As part of this commitment, we will develop a detailed construction plan that includes provisions for vehicle/equipment access routing, pedestrian/transit impacts, and on-site construction worker parking. We believe that this plan will help to minimize any potential adverse impacts on the neighbourhood.

    For further information on the details of the TAMS you can contact the applicant team; Mitchell Mills at mitchellm@relianceproperties.ca or Alex Dembinski at alex.dembinski@quadreal.com.

  • Share Where can I obtain a copy of the traffic impact assessment for this development? Also, I would be interested in obtaining a copy of the traffic management plan proposed for the construction phase. on Facebook Share Where can I obtain a copy of the traffic impact assessment for this development? Also, I would be interested in obtaining a copy of the traffic management plan proposed for the construction phase. on Twitter Share Where can I obtain a copy of the traffic impact assessment for this development? Also, I would be interested in obtaining a copy of the traffic management plan proposed for the construction phase. on Linkedin Email Where can I obtain a copy of the traffic impact assessment for this development? Also, I would be interested in obtaining a copy of the traffic management plan proposed for the construction phase. link

    Where can I obtain a copy of the traffic impact assessment for this development? Also, I would be interested in obtaining a copy of the traffic management plan proposed for the construction phase.

    JimL asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for the question. The Transportation Assessment and Management Strategy provided by the applicant is included on the application page. 

    Thanks, Nick

  • Share If this project goes ahead, how do you propose to calm traffic on the residential streets of 10th and 11th Avenue? Current calming islands do not discourage the existing traffic that cuts through our area. Back alleys are also used at high speed. on Facebook Share If this project goes ahead, how do you propose to calm traffic on the residential streets of 10th and 11th Avenue? Current calming islands do not discourage the existing traffic that cuts through our area. Back alleys are also used at high speed. on Twitter Share If this project goes ahead, how do you propose to calm traffic on the residential streets of 10th and 11th Avenue? Current calming islands do not discourage the existing traffic that cuts through our area. Back alleys are also used at high speed. on Linkedin Email If this project goes ahead, how do you propose to calm traffic on the residential streets of 10th and 11th Avenue? Current calming islands do not discourage the existing traffic that cuts through our area. Back alleys are also used at high speed. link

    If this project goes ahead, how do you propose to calm traffic on the residential streets of 10th and 11th Avenue? Current calming islands do not discourage the existing traffic that cuts through our area. Back alleys are also used at high speed.

    Cinnamon asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for the question. The Broadway Plan (14.7.3 & 14.7.7) includes policies for traffic-calming infrastructure to reduce vehicle speeds and shortcutting as well as future work to amend the city-wide Parking Bylaw for the Broadway Plan area to pursue reduced parking minimums through Transportation Demand Management measures and introduce maximums, in alignment with the Climate Emergency Action Plan. While not yet formally embedded in the Bylaw, in the interim, the Plan encourages new applications within the Broadway Plan area to explore implementation of reduced parking provisions where feasible. The city also has a program to implement traffic calming measures at the neighbourhood level. More information can be found on the City’s website: https://vancouver.ca/streets-transportation/neighbourhood-traffic-management-program.aspx

    As part of the rezoning process, Engineering staff also review the application with respect to transportation impacts and include development conditions for off-site improvements adjacent to the site where required to improve transportation operations and safety for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists. The development is well-sited to encourage reduced vehicle trips and parking demand. It is located in close proximity to the frequent transit network (along Broadway), cycling infrastructure (existing bikeways along Yukon St, Ontario St and W 10th Ave and a future bikeway along Columbia Street), as well as the future sky train station at Main & Broadway. A Transportation Demand Management Plan has been provided which helps to reduce development demand for vehicle trips and parking.



  • Share Hi, my question is similar to the one previous. According to the Broadway Plan, MBSB policy summary table (I'm reading on page 203), 20% of residential floor area must be below market rents. Can you clarify? on Facebook Share Hi, my question is similar to the one previous. According to the Broadway Plan, MBSB policy summary table (I'm reading on page 203), 20% of residential floor area must be below market rents. Can you clarify? on Twitter Share Hi, my question is similar to the one previous. According to the Broadway Plan, MBSB policy summary table (I'm reading on page 203), 20% of residential floor area must be below market rents. Can you clarify? on Linkedin Email Hi, my question is similar to the one previous. According to the Broadway Plan, MBSB policy summary table (I'm reading on page 203), 20% of residential floor area must be below market rents. Can you clarify? link

    Hi, my question is similar to the one previous. According to the Broadway Plan, MBSB policy summary table (I'm reading on page 203), 20% of residential floor area must be below market rents. Can you clarify?

    Renee asked over 1 year ago

    Thanks for the question. The applicants have applied for a secured rental housing project with a maximum density of 8.5 FSR. As detailed in the MBSB Policy Summary Table, if the applicant were pursing a maximum density of 10.0 FSR then a minimum 20% of the residential floor area would be required to be secured at below-market rents. As the applicant is pursuing a development with a maximum density of 8.5 FSR the secured below-market units are not required. The applicant has proposed the dedication of floor area for an in-kind, turn-key, 37-space childcare facility as the Community Amenity Contribution (CAC). Hope this clarifies. - Nick