11-15 E 4th Ave rezoning application

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The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone the subject site from I-1 (Industrial) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 8-storey mixed-use industrial building and includes:

  • Industrial and office space;
  • Commercial space on the ground floor;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 6.7; and
  • A building height of 44.5 m (146 ft.).

This application is being considered under the Broadway Plan.

Application drawings and statistics are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.


October 11, 2024

Revised application booklet uploaded with higher resolution imagery.

The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone the subject site from I-1 (Industrial) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. The proposal is to allow for the development of a 8-storey mixed-use industrial building and includes:

  • Industrial and office space;
  • Commercial space on the ground floor;
  • A floor space ratio (FSR) of 6.7; and
  • A building height of 44.5 m (146 ft.).

This application is being considered under the Broadway Plan.

Application drawings and statistics are posted as-submitted to the City. Following staff review, the final project statistics are documented within the referral report.


October 11, 2024

Revised application booklet uploaded with higher resolution imagery.

​The Q&A period has concluded. Thank you for participating.

The opportunity to ask questions through the Q&A is available from November 6 to November 19, 2024. 

We post all questions as-is and aim to respond within two business days. Some questions may require coordination with internal departments and additional time may be needed to post a response.

Please note that the comment form will remain open after the Q&A period. The Rezoning Planner can also be contacted directly for any further feedback or questions.

  • Share The impacts on public views from Jonathan Rogers park were previously evaluated with other developments in the Mount Pleasant Industrial Area. Jonathan Rogers Park has never been listed in the public view guidelines, and yet staff did provide this analysis. Gatekeeping and dismissing public concerns is not in line with the approved recommendations of the approved Mayor's Engaged City Taskforce. on Facebook Share The impacts on public views from Jonathan Rogers park were previously evaluated with other developments in the Mount Pleasant Industrial Area. Jonathan Rogers Park has never been listed in the public view guidelines, and yet staff did provide this analysis. Gatekeeping and dismissing public concerns is not in line with the approved recommendations of the approved Mayor's Engaged City Taskforce. on Twitter Share The impacts on public views from Jonathan Rogers park were previously evaluated with other developments in the Mount Pleasant Industrial Area. Jonathan Rogers Park has never been listed in the public view guidelines, and yet staff did provide this analysis. Gatekeeping and dismissing public concerns is not in line with the approved recommendations of the approved Mayor's Engaged City Taskforce. on Linkedin Email The impacts on public views from Jonathan Rogers park were previously evaluated with other developments in the Mount Pleasant Industrial Area. Jonathan Rogers Park has never been listed in the public view guidelines, and yet staff did provide this analysis. Gatekeeping and dismissing public concerns is not in line with the approved recommendations of the approved Mayor's Engaged City Taskforce. link

    The impacts on public views from Jonathan Rogers park were previously evaluated with other developments in the Mount Pleasant Industrial Area. Jonathan Rogers Park has never been listed in the public view guidelines, and yet staff did provide this analysis. Gatekeeping and dismissing public concerns is not in line with the approved recommendations of the approved Mayor's Engaged City Taskforce.

    redpanda asked 4 months ago

    Thank you for your concerns related to view impacts to the North Shore Mountains from Jonathan Rogers Park. Your concerns will be considered in our review of the rezoning application. As previously noted, there are no protected public views from Jonathan Rogers Park. The rezoning application is compliant with the view restriction which is highlighted in the application materials. I would note that the rezoning site is downhill from Jonathan Rogers Park and of similar height to other buildings currently under construction along 4th Ave. For reference, the proposed building is slightly shorter than the building under construction at 110 W 4th Ave. As well, at 8-storeys (146 ft.) the building is also of generally similar heights to buildings in the Olympic Village area.

  • Share To follow up, my previous question was not answered as I was not asking about QE Park. The question is whether this building would be seen from Jonathan Rogers Park and if it would impact mountain views enjoyed from Jonathan Rogers Park. There are many views on the south end of the park along West 8th Avenue enjoyed by the public. In the past, the City of Vancouver has provided this analysis. on Facebook Share To follow up, my previous question was not answered as I was not asking about QE Park. The question is whether this building would be seen from Jonathan Rogers Park and if it would impact mountain views enjoyed from Jonathan Rogers Park. There are many views on the south end of the park along West 8th Avenue enjoyed by the public. In the past, the City of Vancouver has provided this analysis. on Twitter Share To follow up, my previous question was not answered as I was not asking about QE Park. The question is whether this building would be seen from Jonathan Rogers Park and if it would impact mountain views enjoyed from Jonathan Rogers Park. There are many views on the south end of the park along West 8th Avenue enjoyed by the public. In the past, the City of Vancouver has provided this analysis. on Linkedin Email To follow up, my previous question was not answered as I was not asking about QE Park. The question is whether this building would be seen from Jonathan Rogers Park and if it would impact mountain views enjoyed from Jonathan Rogers Park. There are many views on the south end of the park along West 8th Avenue enjoyed by the public. In the past, the City of Vancouver has provided this analysis. link

    To follow up, my previous question was not answered as I was not asking about QE Park. The question is whether this building would be seen from Jonathan Rogers Park and if it would impact mountain views enjoyed from Jonathan Rogers Park. There are many views on the south end of the park along West 8th Avenue enjoyed by the public. In the past, the City of Vancouver has provided this analysis.

    redpanda asked 5 months ago

    Jonathan Rogers Park is not listed as a protected view under the Public View Guidelines, therefore the City of Vancouver’s public view assessment does not include Jonathan Rogers Park.

  • Share Are there any view impacts resulting from this proposal from Jonathan Rogers Park? Would you be able to see this building from the the park and are any of the mountain views from the park impacted? on Facebook Share Are there any view impacts resulting from this proposal from Jonathan Rogers Park? Would you be able to see this building from the the park and are any of the mountain views from the park impacted? on Twitter Share Are there any view impacts resulting from this proposal from Jonathan Rogers Park? Would you be able to see this building from the the park and are any of the mountain views from the park impacted? on Linkedin Email Are there any view impacts resulting from this proposal from Jonathan Rogers Park? Would you be able to see this building from the the park and are any of the mountain views from the park impacted? link

    Are there any view impacts resulting from this proposal from Jonathan Rogers Park? Would you be able to see this building from the the park and are any of the mountain views from the park impacted?

    redpanda asked 5 months ago

    Thank you for you question and your interest in this project. Council-approved protected public view 3.2 – Queen Elizabeth Park extends across the site and the tower development complies with the height parameters of the protected view. Mountain views from the Queen Elizabeth Park will not be impacted.

  • Share Is there a rezoning application for another building across the street? If so, how would the block appear with this building in context? The rendering for this ShapeYourCity page shows a 2-storey brick building on the left side. on Facebook Share Is there a rezoning application for another building across the street? If so, how would the block appear with this building in context? The rendering for this ShapeYourCity page shows a 2-storey brick building on the left side. on Twitter Share Is there a rezoning application for another building across the street? If so, how would the block appear with this building in context? The rendering for this ShapeYourCity page shows a 2-storey brick building on the left side. on Linkedin Email Is there a rezoning application for another building across the street? If so, how would the block appear with this building in context? The rendering for this ShapeYourCity page shows a 2-storey brick building on the left side. link

    Is there a rezoning application for another building across the street? If so, how would the block appear with this building in context? The rendering for this ShapeYourCity page shows a 2-storey brick building on the left side.

    redpanda asked 5 months ago

    Thank you for your question. There are currently 2 other rezoning applications processed in the vicinity:

Page last updated: 12 Dec 2024, 03:59 PM