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Rupert and Renfrew Station Area Plan Survey - January 2023 (English)

We are planning for the future of the Rupert and Renfrew Station Area. The Rupert and Renfrew Area Plan will guide growth and change in these neighbourhoods over the next 30 years. 

As part of the 1st phase engagement last spring, we learned about your experiences in the neighbourhood, what makes it unique and what elements are missing. We also asked for feedback on some early ideas for topics like housing, transportation, the economy and arts and culture. 

Now, incorporating what we heard, we want to understand your priorities for the area, especially around housing, amenities for workers and residents as well as transportation. 

Your feedback will be combined with technical and economic analysis to develop recommendations and options for how the area could change over time. The community will have the opportunity to engage on those options in a future phase of public engagement. 

This survey will take about 10 minutes to complete. The survey will close at midnight February 28, 2023. Paper copies of the survey are also available and can be returned by mail.

If you’d like to learn more before you start, check out the results from last spring’s public engagement, or our project backgrounder. If you need additional help, or have questions, please contact