How will the changes to the Zoning and Development By-law affect me?

    It will be easier to understand what the regulations are that apply to your property. The proposed amendments will not impact what you can build or renovate on your property. The changes we've made help to clarify and and align land use regulations. The By-law documents were updated, improved and simplified with user-friendly and organized layout to be easily interpreted and used by the public and staff.

    Will the project outcomes affect form of development or increase density in my neighbourhood and in the City of Vancouver?

    The Regulation Redesign project is focusing on making land use regulations simpler and easier to find and understand. This project is not making substantive changes to zoning regulations or policy. 

    What are some of the general amendments to the By-law?

    Updates to improve finding the information quicker and understanding the regulations include:

    • A By-law that is more accessible for people living with visual impairments
    • Hyperlinks to regulations and guidelines
    • New definitions that provide more clarity on multiple dwelling uses and technical terms used throughout the By-law
    • Consolidated and clarified regulations
    • A reorganized and reformatted by-law that makes the regulations easier to find and understand
    • District schedules in new format and structure that uses more tables and diagrams 

    Will this work speed up the development permit process?

    The Regulation Redesign project will help improve clarity and consistent interpretation of regulation. The Development Process Redesign project is conducting a comprehensive analysis to improve rezoning and development permit processes. Visit to learn more. 

    Why are we redesigning the City's current Zoning and Development By-law?

    The City of Vancouver's Zoning and Development By-law was adopted in 1956 and has not been comprehensively updated since then. The intent of this work is to make improvements to the format, organization, and wording so the By-law is clearer and easier to use. We're also setting up a framework so that future work to implement policies and plans through regulatory changes will result in clearer rules. 

    What is a Zoning and Development By-law?

    The Zoning and Development By-law regulates the development of land in the City of Vancouver: the types of land uses allowed; where a building can be located on a site; and the building's maximum height and size.

    What is zoning?

    Zoning is a set of rules that set out how property can be used and developed according to citywide goals and priorities. Watch the short Zoning 101 video to learn more.