Engagement process
During the first round of engagement open August 10-30, 2021, we asked what your top 3 values were when determining the location of a separated cycling path at Kitsilano Beach Park. We heard from over 1,220 survey respondents that after safety and comfort, the most important values in choosing a route for the separated cycling pathway are:
- Greenspace – preserving existing open space and trees as much as possible
- Connections – provide clear connections between the path, park entryways, the beach and park amenities (pool, sport courts, concession) for all park users
- Directness – make sure the separated cycle path is as direct and seamless as possible across the park
Followed by:
- Impact – minimizing disruption to all those who use the park, including events and businesses operating in the park
- Parking – maintaining convenient parking for people driving to and from the beach
You can read a summary of Round 1 engagement results by clicking here and a detailed report by clicking here.
In Round 2 of engagement, open from November 1-28, 2021, we presented different options for cycle path routes across the park and asked how well you thought the options reflected the values of greenspace, connections, directness, parking, and impact. We heard from 740 survey respondents. You can review the different path options and a brief visual summary of Round 2 engagement results by clicking here.
Your input has helped us identify a proposed route for the cycling path that reflects what we heard in public engagement, and important technical, safety, and neighbourhood impact considerations.
In Round 3 of engagement, open from February 14 to March 6, 2022, we invite you to review the proposed route and share your input by taking the survey. The design will be fine-tuned based on this feedback, and presented to the Park Board for approval in spring 2022.
If you have any questions about the project, please use the Q&A on our Shape Your City page, or you can also email us at kitsgreenway@vancouver.ca or call 3-1-1.
Consultation has concluded