7057-7075 Oak St and 1015 W 54th Ave rezoning application
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This application was approved by Council at Public Hearing on January 19, 2023
We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 7057-7075 Oak St and 1015 W 54th Ave. The proposal is to allow for a townhouse or rowhouse development up to 3 storeys. The zoning would change from RS-1 (Residential) to RM-8AN (Residential) District.
The RM-8A/RM-8AN district allows for:
stacked townhouses or rowhouses up to three storeys fronting the street; and
a floor space ratio (FSR) up to 1.2
The application is being considered under the Cambie Corridor Plan. The Plan identifies over 1,100 single-family lots for townhouses, creating opportunities for up to 8,200 units of this much needed ground-oriented housing type. Due to limitations in infrastructure capacity in the Corridor, City-initiated rezonings for townhouses will be phased to align with infrastructure upgrades. The first phase of City-initiated rezonings was approved by Council in September 2018, and aligns with the first area of infrastructure upgrades.
As part of the implementation of the Plan, sites designated for townhouse uses outside of the first stage of the City’s infrastructure upgrades will be considered through privately-initiated rezoning applications, so long as these upgrades are secured as conditions of rezoning. Rather than rezoning these sites to a site-specific Comprehensive Development (CD) District, they will be rezoned to the RM-8A/RM-8AN zone. This will provide the same certainty on the built form for residents and applicants that the City-initiated rezoning provides, and will also streamline the rezoning process. Eligible properties within the Cambie Corridor may apply for rezoning to RM-8A/RM-8AN townhouses.
The specific form of development will be reviewed through a future Development Permit process. Application drawings will be available for viewing at that time. Under this simplified rezoning process, Q&A will not be held for this application, however questions can be emailed to staff at any time.
We would like your feedback on a rezoning application at 7057-7075 Oak St and 1015 W 54th Ave. The proposal is to allow for a townhouse or rowhouse development up to 3 storeys. The zoning would change from RS-1 (Residential) to RM-8AN (Residential) District.
The RM-8A/RM-8AN district allows for:
stacked townhouses or rowhouses up to three storeys fronting the street; and
a floor space ratio (FSR) up to 1.2
The application is being considered under the Cambie Corridor Plan. The Plan identifies over 1,100 single-family lots for townhouses, creating opportunities for up to 8,200 units of this much needed ground-oriented housing type. Due to limitations in infrastructure capacity in the Corridor, City-initiated rezonings for townhouses will be phased to align with infrastructure upgrades. The first phase of City-initiated rezonings was approved by Council in September 2018, and aligns with the first area of infrastructure upgrades.
As part of the implementation of the Plan, sites designated for townhouse uses outside of the first stage of the City’s infrastructure upgrades will be considered through privately-initiated rezoning applications, so long as these upgrades are secured as conditions of rezoning. Rather than rezoning these sites to a site-specific Comprehensive Development (CD) District, they will be rezoned to the RM-8A/RM-8AN zone. This will provide the same certainty on the built form for residents and applicants that the City-initiated rezoning provides, and will also streamline the rezoning process. Eligible properties within the Cambie Corridor may apply for rezoning to RM-8A/RM-8AN townhouses.
The specific form of development will be reviewed through a future Development Permit process. Application drawings will be available for viewing at that time. Under this simplified rezoning process, Q&A will not be held for this application, however questions can be emailed to staff at any time.