3479 Cambie St (DP-2023-00851) development application
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The Director of Planning approved this application, and a Development Permit was issued on April 30, 2024.
Matthew Cheng Architect Inc. has applied to the City of Vancouver for a Minor Amendment for change of use, and interior and exterior alterations to the four-storey, mixed commercial and residential building, on this site, consisting of:
- Ground floor: Retail
- Second floor: Change of use from Health Care Office to Office
- Second to fourth floors: dwelling units
- Proposed total Floor Space Ratio: 2.1 (approximately 9,710 sq. ft.)
- One level of underground parking, having vehicular access from Tupper Street
Under the site’s existing C-2 zoning, the application is “conditional” so it may be permitted. However, it requires the decision of the Director of Planning.